Character Education – November

We define CITIZENSHIP as doing your part to make your school and community better.  Below are November’s Citizenship Character Education Eagles.  Go Eagles! 

Character Education – October

We define RESPONSIBILITY as doing what you say you will do and what is asked of you.  Below are October’s Responsibility Character Education Eagles.  Go Eagles! 

Sunrise Food Drive

November 9th-16th We are collecting food for the Utah Food Bank Please bring Non-perishable food and canned goods to school with you and let’s help fight hunger in our community. We have an 800lb goal for our school that can be easily reached by our generous Sunrise Community. Rather donate money? There will be envelopes […]

Sunrise Halloween Slideshow

Thank you PTA for making our Halloween video!  You are the BEST PTA!   Click HERE to view our Halloween video.  Below is a picture of our Sunrise September Respect Citizenship selections.  Go Eagles!