1542 East 11245 S., Sandy, UT 84092

Utah's #1 Elementary

Kindergarten Orientation

Welcome to Sunrise Elementary School’s Kindergarten Orientation!

Kindergarten Orientation

Where: Sunrise Elementary

When: April 14, 2023

We invite you and your child to come learn what you can do to get ready for kindergarten.  There will be a presentation in the gym starting promptly at 2:30 pm, including class time for the new students.


If you have neighbors with qualifying kindergarten children, please share this information with them. 


We have placed incoming kindergarten orientation information on our website at https://sunrise.canyonsdistrict.org/ under family resources. It includes a copy of this flyer, instructions on enrollment etc. Please use this as a reference to assist in the enrollment process. Please call our office If you have any questions or concerns at 801-826-9550.


Student Enrollment can be done online starting on March 15th. Please have the following ready to upload to their application:

·      student’s birth certificate

·      current immunization record or Utah exemption certificate (printout from physician or health department)

·      proof of residency (utility bill, lease agreement, home contract etc. with current date)


We look forward to meeting you and your future kindergarten student and we hope this will be the beginning of a positive school experience for both of you.

Kinder Entrance Requirements


  1. Your child must turn five before September 1st of the enrolling year.
  2. Parent/Guardian must provide the following during enrollment:
  • An official birth certificate
  • An immunization record or Utah exemption form
  • Proof of residency (With address, parent name, & current date)
  1. Enrollment applications are done online at www.canyonsdistrict.org. Go to students and parents and click on admissions.
  • Click on Kindergarten Enrollment, then scroll to “enrollment procedures”.
  • If you already have a student attending in Canyons School District, click on “New Student Enrollment”. This will link your students together in Skyward.
  • If you are new to our district, click on “Temporary account for new student enrollment”.



Once you have submitted your enrollment applications, with birth certificate, immunizations and proof of residency attached, the application will be processed.

The enrollment application will be reviewed/processed by the office and you will receive an email from them with a checklist of items received and what is still needed to complete the registration.

Students are placed in classes based off information given during the pre-enrollment period. We do our best to honor the preferred AM/PM time selected by the parent, but it is not a guarantee.


Students are assigned a teacher based on AM, PM or full day classes. Currently, our school offers 1 of each of these classes. We have one teacher for the full day class and one teacher for the AM & PM classes.

Students will have the opportunity to meet the kindergarten teachers during the kindergarten orientation (see flyer posted on web site) in the spring and then again during their one-on-one assessment before their first day of school.

Parent Letter

Dear Students and Parents,
We are happy to welcome everyone to Sunrise Elementary for the 2023-2024 school year. We hope everyone will be involved in the educational process to enjoy a very successful year. Below is information that will be helpful as we begin this new school year. School begins on Monday August 21st (grades 1-5). Kindergarten students only attend their assessment appointment and begin class work on August 24th. The school office phone number is 801-826-9550.
Back to School Registration: (Kindergarten parents must have enrollment complete before doing the online registration.) ALL STUDENTS MUST BE REGISTERED BEFORE SCHOOL BEGINS. Registration will be done online through Skyward “Family access” (the same site you used to do the enrollment application) on the Canyons District website (www.canyonsdistrict.org). The portal will be activated for online registration in August. The district will communicate when the portal is open for you to go in and register your student. You can also check the district website for dates when it will be available. Remember to register each student separately. Be sure to list emergency contacts that we can notify, if you are not available, who can pick up your student. Be sure to include a working phone number. Thoroughly review the district information on the registration site and check off each section as you complete it. The final step on the registration is to “submit” the information. You should receive a verification notice that the registration process has been completed. Kindergarten parents must have enrollment complete before doing the online registration.
Kindergarten Testing Appointment: Kindergarten parents need to set up an assessment appointment for their kindergartner using Skyward Access. Using the same login/password as registration, you log in and select “Conferences” on the left. Click on “view all” and then select your time. You will use this system again to sign up for parent-teacher conferences in the fall and spring. Access to this will be available shortly before testing/conferences begin.
Class assignments: This year we will offer three sessions of kindergarten, one AM, one PM and one full day supplemental session. All class/teacher assignments will be posted roughly one week prior to the first day of school in Skyward family access.
School Times: AM kindergarten & supplemental kindergarten teachers will greet students in front of the school at 8:15am. Morning kindergarten session is 8:15am-11:00am Monday through Thursday. An early-out Friday schedule is 8:15am-10:20am. Supplemental hours are 8:15 am-2:55 pm Monday through Thursday and 8:15 am-1:15 pm on Friday. Afternoon kindergarten students will meet their teacher inside the front office hallway. Afternoon kindergarten is 12:10pm-2:55pm with an early-out Friday schedule of 11:10am-1:15pm. Grades 1-5 school begins at 8:15am and ends at 2:55pm. An early out schedule on Friday is 8:15am-1:15pm. Students need to be picked up promptly after school or leave the school grounds within 15 minutes (unless involved in extracurricular activities). A full bell schedule for all grades can be found on our web site.

Parent Letter Continued

Attendance: Student attendance is very important and we are required to do all we can to help. Please be sure to call our attendance line when your student will be missing school at 801-826-9550 and choose option #1. Leave your students name, teacher and reason for absence. When a parent calls in, it is marked as a guardian excused absence. Students are allotted 10 of these absences a year. If your student is sick/injured and sees a doctor, please bring in a note from the doctor and the absence will be listed as doctor excused and will not go against your guardian days. If you have a planned trip/vacation please use the Education Leave form. This can be picked up at the office or found on our website under family resources. These need to be brought in at least 10 days prior to the first day of the absence(s). Once approved by the principal, it will be listed as excused leave. Please note that you can only use 10 education leave days in one school year.
Checking Students In/Out: Once students are admitted into the building, the doors are locked for safety. If your student is tardy, a parent or guardian will need to bring them to the office to check them in. After they have checked in, the office staff will change the absence to a tardy. When parents check students out early, they need to go to the office to sign them out. The office will call into the classroom to excuse the student from class. Students then meet their parents in the office. Students will not be called out of class until the parents arrive at school so students miss as little classroom time as possible. Those picking up students need to be listed in Skyward, must be over age 18, and show a current photo ID. To withdraw a student from Sunrise entirely, please call or come in to the office at least one day prior to the student’s last day at Sunrise.
Health Issues: Elementary students cannot bring medicine of any sort to school (except Luden’s or Ricola cough drops). Parents may come to the office and administer medicine to their student at any time. Our school nurse can also administer Tylenol or Ibuprofen with verbal parent permissions. If other health issues need to be dealt with at school, medical forms must be filled out by the parent and physician and a health plan put into effect by the school nurse. These forms are available in the office. Please contact the office or school nurse if you have questions or concerns on your child’s health.
PTA: PTA contributes so much to our school that we encourage everyone to become a member. The cost for membership is only $6.00 per year. PTA membership and fundraiser funds provide book fairs, field day, reflections contest, student incentives, Junior Achievement, and MANY other fun activities for students and their families. You can also volunteer your time to help with the various PTA activities. Information on becoming a member will be available at the orientation and can also be found on our web site. Sunrise spirit wear is available at the beginning of the year. They will only make one order so please watch for information.
Your support and participation are truly appreciated as we embark on another successful year at Sunrise Elementary!
Angela Wilkinson, Principal

Welcome to Sunrise Elementary

Helpful Tips for Kindergarten

Successful Registration

Supplemental Kindergarten

Kindergarten Academics

School Nurse

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Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org