1542 E. 11245 South, Sandy, UT 84092

Utah's #1 Elementary

1/23/23 School Newsletter



January 23, 2023


01: Lunchroom Reminder – Home Lunches

02: Kindergarten – Pre-Registration Going Now

03: Welcome to our New Lunch Manager

04: Soar Day on Friday the 27th

05: Safety Reminder

06: Save the Date- Spring Pictures

07: Upcoming Information

Lunchroom Reminder

Parents, as a reminder for those bringing a lunch from home, students can purchase a milk for $.50 to have with their lunch. However, they cannot choose fruit or other items as a la cart items. Anything taken, other than the milk, will be charged for a school lunch. School lunches are $2.00 each. To deposit money onto your students account for these purchases, please go to Skyward Family Access and choose food services to make a payment.

Kindergarten- Pre-Registration Going Now

Our kindergarten pre-enrollment is going on now and the list of students is growing quickly. Do you have a child that will be the age of 5 by September 1st? Please call or come to the office to fill out a form so we can get them added to our incoming student list!

Welcome to new Lunch Manager

We would like to welcome our new lunch manager Andreia (Andi) Farnsworth to Sunrise! Say hello and smile if you see her in the lunchroom! We’d also like to thank Maria Gonzales for her time here at Sunrise!

SOAR Day This Friday

This Friday January 27th is a SOAR day at Sunrise! Please plan on wearing your spirit wear!

Safety Reminder

Parents- please maintain SLOW speeds while in our parking lot and drop off/pick up areas. We’ve seen some vehicles traveling very fast while pulling into the parking areas.


Wet winter months make it tough for kids to be patient waiting in the elements. However, we’d like to remind students to always use crosswalks when walking in the parking lot areas and to only enter/exit vehicles from the passenger side of the vehicle by the curb.

Save the Date- Spring Pictures

We are very excited to offer spring pictures with Eastman Adams on Wednesday March 8th. They have wonderful packages to offer as well as a memory book option! Save the date if you want your student to participate. More detailed information on packages & pricing to come later.

Upcoming Information

Here are a few items that are upcoming:

January 31st– 6th Grade Orientations

February 6th– Book Blitz Meeting

February 13th– Parent Teacher Conference sign up window opens in Skyward Family Access.

Febraury 20th– No School – President’s Day

February 27th– Book Blitz Meeting

February 28th– PT Conference sign up closes

March 1st-2nd – PT Conferences

March 2nd- Early Release Day

March 3rd- No School

March 8th- Spring Pictures

March 10th– Career Day

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org