1542 E. 11245 South, Sandy, UT 84092

Utah's #1 Elementary

10/17/22 Newsletter



October 17, 2022


01: Digital Citizenship Week

02: Book Blitz

03: Weather Reminder / Red Flag Day


05: Parking Lot Tip

06: Halloween Parade

07: Parent Volunteer Reminder

08: FALL BREAK THIS WEEK – Thurs. & Fri.

Digital Citizenship Week

This month, Canyons School District will be celebrating Digital Citizenship Week on October 17-19, 2022! During this week, students of all ages will be participating in activities that will empower them to think critically, behave safely, and participate responsibly in our digital world. From cyberbullying and photo sharing to digital footprints and online safety, CSD wants to help students address important topics and have meaningful conversations about making great choices in their digital lives.

Book Blitz

Canyons School District has started a new program called Book Blitz Jr. This is an optional reading program for 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders. The program is designed to encourage students to read a variety of literature. Participants will read 6 books from a list of 12 books by March 1, 2023. They will be organized into teams of 3-5 members. 4th and 5th graders will be combined and read the same books. 3rd graders have a different list of 12 books and can only be on a team with other 3rd graders. They will then participate in a “Jeopardy-style” competition to demonstrate their knowledge of the books. Look for a flyer coming home with details (including book list) with your student. Fill out the bottom portion and return it to the school by November 1st. We are really excited for this new program and it should be lots of fun! Questions? Contact Lindsay at zeepingree@gmail.com

Weather Reminder / Red Flag Days

Colder days are upon us and we want to make sure our students are prepared for it. Students will still be going outdoors to line up and participating in outdoor recess even in the cooler temperatures. However, if there is a red flag posted out in front of the building, that means that the temp has gone below the “feels like” 22 degrees and students will be taken indoors. If the temp is over the 22 degrees they will remain outdoors. Please send students prepared with appropriate clothing and coats, hats, gloves etc. to keep them warm. These items should also be clearly marked with their name in case they are misplaced.


Picture re-takes are this Wednesday October 19th. If you will be retaking a student photo, please send the previous picture package along with your student. Picture Packages are still available for purchase, please check your students backpack for reminder flyers and information. Students who missed the picture day in September will be called down to take a photo.

Parking Lot Tip

Cooler temperatures also means that more cars will be entering and exiting our parking lot areas. Please be mindful of the pick-up/drop-off procedures and do your best to keep the lines moving as quickly as possible. THANKS!

Halloween Parade

The Sunrise Halloween parade will be taking place again this year! It is a wonderful tradition and we will be following the same pattern as last year. The parade will be held OUTDOORS, weather permitting, and will begin at 9 am. This means that Dr. Wilkinson will start to grab our classes and walk them outdoors at 9 am. Parents are welcome to participate by finding a spot along the parade route outdoors. An arial photo of parade route will be included in next week’s newsletter.

Costume Guidelines:

  • Costumes may not have parts that interfere with learning. This means no full-face masks, no costumes that restrict movement or vision, prevent sitting at desks, or prevent participation in recess. Costumes should not obstruct movement in hallways.
  • Costumes may not be violent or suggestive, and may not have accessories/props that could be used as a weapon or look like a weapon.
  • Students should come to school already dressed in their costumes and ready for the parade. School bathrooms may not be used for getting ready.
  • Face paint, makeup or hair coloring spray should not be brought to school.

Parent Volunteer Reminder

Parents, if you plan on volunteering in your student’s classroom for a Halloween party or any other event this year PLEASE make sure you have done the volunteer application for this school year. If you are not certain if you have done it yet, I encourage you to apply or call the office and we’d be happy to check for you.

Parents who do not have volunteer access will NOT be permitted into the building, so please be prepared!

The link to apply can be found on our website if you scroll to the bottom. Click on the link and fill out/submit the application. You will receive an email when it has been RECEIVED and another when it has been APPROVED. This process can take up to a week or longer, so don’t wait, do it now!

Fall Break This Week

This Thursday and Friday October 20-21st is Fall Break and we do not have school.

We hope you’ll enjoy some time at home with your families!

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org