1542 E. 11245 South, Sandy, UT 84092

Utah's #1 Elementary

11/14/22 School Newsletter



November 14, 2022


01: Food Drive- Last Week

02: Education Leave Form- Added to Website

03: Book Blitz

04: Red Flag Reminder – Low Temp/Wet

05: Parking Lot Reminder

Food Drive – Last Week

After one week of the food drive our two bins are still not full. If you can, please consider donating some non-perishable canned food for our drive. Students can bring the items to the school and drop it in the bin near the front office. We’re hoping that they will be overflowing by Friday!

Education Leave Form

We have added a link to the Education Leave form to our website. Are you familiar with it? If you are taking a vacation, or your student will be missing a few consecutive days, we encourage you to fill one out. These should be turned into the office with plenty of notice for teachers to collect the work they will be missing. The forms are approved by Dr. Wilkinson before being turned into the teacher. That work requested will be provided to the student prior to the first leave day.To find the form, go to our website at https://sunrise.canyonsdistrict.org/ and go to “Family Resources” and you will find it there.


Again, these are turned into the OFFICE, not the teacher.

Book Blitz

We had a great Book Blitz kick-off meeting last week! We had over 70 students come and join a team so we are starting off strong!! It was fun to start to get to know your students and see their creativity as they picked team names and designed posters for their teams. Those who came should have built a reading schedule that they can use as a guide to help them stay on track over the coming months. We are so excited to get reading with your eagles!

Red Flag Reminder

As a reminder, if the “feels like” temperature is under 24 degrees or the weather conditions are very wet, we will be calling it a red flag day. This means that students will be let into the school starting at 8 am and recesses will be held inside as well. If you see the red flag out at the front of the school, this is your indicator. We are working on getting an additional one for the rear of the school.

Parking Lot Reminder

Parents using the parking stalls at the end of day to park and walk over to school to collect their student, please ensure you are walking WITH your student, do not allow them to dart through crosswalks or parking lot areas. Also, when exiting stall, go SLOWLY and be on alert for pedestrians as these areas are very busy during this timeframe. We’ve had some very close calls recently. Let’s all work together to keep our students SAFE. Thanks!

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org