1542 E. 11245 South, Sandy, UT 84092

Utah's #1 Elementary

12/12/22 School Newsletter



December 12, 2022


01: Winter Recess

02: Singing Around the Tree

03: Attendance Magnet/Info.

04: Safety Reminder

05: Sunrise Singers

06: See You Next Year!

Winter Recess

Friday December 16th is our last day of school for 2022. Please enjoy some time off with our families for Winter Break. School will resume on January 3rd in 2023!

Singing Around the Tree

Our students have been learning holiday songs in their classrooms with their grade levels for our singing around the tree activity. This is a school (student) only assembly on the last day of school. We’ve had many parents reach out asking if they can attend, but because it is a schoolwide assembly, we simply cannot accommodate parents. We hope you’ll take time to talk with your students about this event and have them tell you all about it! Maybe they’ll even sing you a solo!

Attendance Magnets/Info

On Monday December 12th your student will be bringing home an attendance magnet & information with them. These magnets were ordered in early August for this school year, but due to supply issues, just arrived last week. These have information on how school attendance can make a difference in your students learning. The magnet also has an attendance tracker that you can use to note the days your student is absent. A visual reminder can be very helpful! Interested to see how attendance is here at Sunrise? Please go to our Instagram page at @sunriseeagles and see our weekly post with our attendance highs and lows. Also, parents can always check their students’ attendance information by using their own Skyward Family Access login and clicking on the attendance tab. All attendance entered at school is visible there. If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to call the office.

Safety Reminder

As a reminder, our end of day bell rings at 2:55 pm. Our expectation is that all students will have exited the school property no later than 3:15 pm unless involved in an after-school program. If students are still waiting for a ride after 3:10 pm they are permitted to use the office phone to call a parent.

Students involved in after school programs are expected to get a ride home with a parent. Parents should pick them up promptly after their activity ends.

Sunrise Singers

The Sunrise Singers held an amazing concert for parents last Thursday evening. They will also be singing this morning for a student assembly. We’d like to thank the PTA choir volunteers for continuing the program here at Sunrise and for all your hard work in making this choir a success! You are all amazing! We are looking forward to more music in the spring!

See You Next Year!

From all of the Faculty and Staff here at Sunrise please have a wonderful holiday season and we’ll see you next year!


Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org