1542 E. 11245 South, Sandy, UT 84092

Utah's #1 Elementary

12/5/22 School Newsletter



December 5, 2022


01: Winter Recess Reminder

02: Attendance Winners for November

03: Life Skills Winners for November

04: International Volunteer Day

05: Students and Recess

06: Safety Reminder

07: Assemblies This Week

08: School Choice Permits 2023-2024

09: Book Blitz Meeting Today!

10: Lost & Found Items

Winter Recess Reminder

The winter recess is almost upon us! Our last day of school in December will be on the 16th and school will not resume until January 3rd.

Attendance Winners

The following students are the attendance winners for November! Congratulations! Mazie K., Callie C., Sage C., Daniel B., William A., and Evan W.

Life Skills Winners

Congratulations to the following students for earning a Soaring Eagle Certificate for being chosen by their teacher as being a student that exemplified the life skill for November! Our life skills were honesty and integrity. Nice job Eagles!

Malec  C., Leo H., Harris J., Danielle P., Lola Y., Rookie W., Mason R., Leo B., Corban S., Barron B., Emmitt C., Siyana K., Bennett P., Isaac H., Ellie W., Carter T., Daniel D., Zoey R., Mayne T., Noelle T., Colton D., Annika A., Greta J., Abby H., Kate M., Kaelah T., and Ethan H.

International Volunteer Day

Today is International Volunteer Day and we’d like to thank our MANY wonderful volunteers that give their time here at Sunrise! Our volunteers serve at Watchdogs, in art classes, junior achievement activities and much more! Our school is thankful for the time you spend with us!


Students and Recess

The students here at Sunrise have the opportunity to enjoy recess while here at school. The grade levels have a recess break in addition to their lunch recess. (specific times for each can be found on the bell schedule, which is attached) All students are expected to participate in their recess. If your student has been sick, but are back in school, they will be asked to go to recess. Please ensure they are dressed appropriately for the weather conditions.

If you feel your student is not able to participate due to illness, please consider keeping them home until they are able to participate in all activity here at school. Thanks!

Safety Reminder

The crosswalks in our parking area are closely attended by our staff here at Sunrise. We ask that you be patient with us as we allow vehicle traffic to pass. Once we see a safe opportunity to stop the flow of traffic, we will put out the stop signs and allow students and parents to pass. We appreciate your help in keeping our community safe!


The month of December we have a few school-wide assemblies. On Tuesday morning, we will have a Canyons District arts assembly put on by Vocal Dimension “Operaworks” which is a mixed quartet with a piano accompanist that presents an entertaining introduction to the world of opera!  Then on Thursday afternoon we have the pleasure to hear the Alta High Madrigal’s choir. These students have auditioned to be a part of the choir and they are extremely talented! We hope that your students will share their experiences from both!

** The Sunrise Singers choir assembly has been rescheduled for next week due to the remote school day on December 2nd.

School Choice Permits

The Canyons District school choice permit window for the 2023-2024 school year has opened. Do you have students here on permit that will have a sibling entering school next year? Now is the time to go and fill out a permit request for them! Go to the following link to apply:


The open enrollment window for school choice permits opened on December 1st and will close on February 17, 2023.

**Students that are already here on a school choice permit DO NOT need to fill out an additional request.

Book Blitz Mtg. Today

Our second meeting is today, Monday, December 5th in the lunchroom from 3:00-3:40. We are excited to see what our Eagles have been reading! Questions contact Lindsay at zeepingree@gmail.com.

Lost & Found Items

Our lost and found area is growing daily! We have multiple coats, hoodies, hats, gloves, water bottles etc. that need to find their homes. We would hate to see an item end up here that a student needs over the holiday break! If you are missing any items please take the time to come down and look.

Parents are also welcome to check before and after school for items. If you would prefer to come during the school day, we just ask you to sign in as a volunteer prior to heading down.



Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org