1542 E. 11245 South, Sandy, UT 84092

Utah's #1 Elementary

8/15/22 Newsletter



August 15, 2022


01: Welcome Back!

02: KEEP assessments for kindergarten

03: Reporting Student Attendance

04: Education Leave

05: West Parking Lot Reminder

06: Stay Safe


We were so excited to roll out the red carpet today to all of our students for the 2022-23 school year! Our teachers and staff have been preparing for their arrival and loved meeting all those who came to our Back-to-School/ Meet the teacher event. We hope that all of our students are looking forward to all the year will bring! Time for our Eagles to SOAR!

KEEP Assessments

Starting today our kindergarten teachers will be holding their KEEP assessment with students. These assessments will be going on through Wednesday August 17th. If you have not already signed up your kindergartner, you’ll need to call the office to schedule a time as the parent’s scheduling option is now closed in Skyward.

Reporting Student Attendance

If your student is going to be absent due to illness or other reason, we ask that you please call the main office number at 801-826-9550 and leave a message on our attendance line. If the office is not notified and your student is marked absent you will get a “robo call” from Skyward indicating your student was marked absent.

When leaving your message please speak slowly, give students first and last name and reason for absence.

We are doing our best to encourage attendance at Sunrise. Watch for information that will be coming home with your student in the following weeks and also look for the new attendance sign in the office. It indicates our student daily attendance, tardies and percentage in school.

Education Leave

Have you planned a trip with your family that was not during a planned break? Our district offers “Education Leave” forms for students. These forms need to be filled out at least two weeks prior to the first day of absence. Once given to the office & approved by the principal, they are given to the teacher to collect work for your student. Your student will then do classwork throughout the trip which allows them to stay in step with their class while they are away. The work gets turned in to the teacher upon their return. These forms can be picked up by a parent in the office. Questions? Reach out to the office at 801-826-9550.

West Parking Lot Reminder

As a reminder, the west parking lot is for our faculty and staff. Parents are asked to use the parking at the front (or north) parking area.

Stay Safe

  • Use designated Crosswalks
  • Follow Drop off and pick up procedures in parking lot areas
  • Walk your bike/scooter while on campus

We want ALL of our students to be safe while at school, please help us and encourage your students to follow these guidelines.

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org