1542 E. 11245 South, Sandy, UT 84092

Utah's #1 Elementary

2/20/23 School Newsletter



February 20, 2023



02: Wolf Pack- Sign Up

03: Volunteer THANKS!

04: Schedule Parent Conferences NOW

05: CSD Film Festival

06: Career Day- Parent Volunteers Needed

07: Parents & Pastries

08: Book Fair


No School Today

Today is a no school day in observance of President’s Day. See you all tomorrow!

Wolf Pack – Sign Up

Registration for the Sunrise’s Wolfpack Running Club Track & Field season is open.

Here’s the link to program information and registration. https://wolfpackrunning.org/services/elementary/

Our Head Coach is Megan Vrem.  Practices are Tuesdays and Thursdays at Sunrise right after school and they will have two meets.

Contact Tom Sharkey, Wolfpack Director of Elementary, at 443-939-7133 with questions.

Volunteer Thanks!

On Valentine’s Day we had 110 parents come in to volunteer in our classrooms! Our office staff were able to greet and help all to get to classrooms because each person had followed the guidelines required. THANK YOU for participating and for making this day special for all of our students!!

Schedule Parent Conferences NOW

Parents, it’s that time to schedule your parent teacher conferences. Please log into Skyward Family Access and choose the date and time to meet with your teacher(s). The schedule will close on Tuesday February 28th, so please do it now!

Parent Teacher Conferences will be held on March 1-2, 2023.

CSD Film Festival

Lights, camera, action!  It’s time to start preparing your film festival submission. Submissions are due April 18, 2023.

There are four levels of Festival competition: Elementary, Middle, High School, and Teacher. Students will only compete against other students in their grade level category.

There are six film categories and a poster contest participants may enter:

  1. Short Film (5 minutes or less)
  2. Documentary (5 minutes or less)
  3. Animation (3 minutes or less)
  4. PSA (1 minute or less)
  5. Newscast (5 minutes or less)
  6. Teacher Film (any category)
  7. Film Festival Poster Contest

Click here to submit your entry today! : https://www.canyonsdistrict.org/filmfestival/submitting-entries/

More detailed information can be found online at canyonsdistrict.org/filmfestival/

Career Day- Volunteers Needed

On March 10th our school will be hosting a career day. Would you be interested in coming to do a presentation on your career? Keep an eye out on Parent Square for a link to sign up!

Parents and Pastries

Save the date for our next parents and pastries event! It will be held on March 1st from 7:30 – 8:15 am in the gym. Entry to the event will be through the west doors. However, parking in the west parking lot is for faculty and staff only. Arrive on time as parking is limited.

Book Fair

The book fair is coming back! Our PTA has been planning and preparing this event for a while! Please plan on coming by the fair during the following hours:

March 1st: 3:00 pm – 8:00 pm

March 2nd:

Student shop 11:00-1:00 pm

Parents Shop: 1:15- 8:00 pm


Each week a safety reminder is posted here as a request of our School Community Council. These reminders are for students and parents alike. As a school of approximately 610 students, without bussing services, that means we have a large number of students walking to/from the school in addition to MANY vehicles that come to/from our school every day. We cannot express enough the importance of every parent/student following the guidelines for drop off and pick up.

Please review the policy here: https://sunrise.canyonsdistrict.org/parking-lot-and-loading-unloading-procedures/

It is also important to share this information with anyone who may be dropping off/picking up your student. Grandparents, aunts/uncles, older siblings, nanny, etc. are all expected to follow these guidelines. If you have not already shared this information with them, please pass the link on for them to review.

We have staff & safety patrol outside each day watching and doing their best to keep our students safe, but we cannot be everywhere all the time. We need everyone working together, following the rules, to make safety a priority in and around our school.

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org