1542 E. 11245 South, Sandy, UT 84092

Utah's #1 Elementary

2/27/23 School Newsletter



February 27, 2023


00: EARLY OUT / NO SCHOOL / Remote Day

01: Parent Conference – Sign Up Closing

02: Parents and Pastries Event

03: Book Blitz – Meeting TODAY

04: Career Day- Volunteers Needed

05: Book Fair


07: Thrive Time Information – See attached

Early Out / No School / Remote Day

This Thursday, March 2nd, is an early out day and school will dismiss at 1:15 pm. There is no school on Friday March 3rd. Also, Monday March 6th is a remote day for students.

Parent Conference Sign Up Closing 2/28

Parent teacher conferences are THIS WEEK on March 1 and 2nd. If you have not already done so, please go to Skyward Family Access and choose your conference time. This sign-up window will close on 2/28/23 at 5pm.

Parents and Pastries

The Parents and Pastries event is this Wednesday 3/1/23 at 7:30 am. The book fair will be open during this event in the gym, so please plan to attend! Entrance will be at the west doors.

As a reminder, parking in the west parking lot is for faculty and staff only. Thanks!

Book Blitz – Mtg. TODAY

We have a book blitz meeting today, February 27th from 3:00-3:40 PM. Our next meeting will be Monday, March 13th from 3:00-3:40 PM.  Please see schedule for the next few weeks:

Monday, February 27th

Monday, March 13th,

Monday, March 20th

Monday, March 27th

Happy reading!

Career Day- Volunteers Needed

Sunrise Career Day is on March 10, 2023 from 8:30am – 10:00am. We are looking for parents, guardians, grandparents, friends, etc. to volunteer to share their career with our students. Volunteers will speak to four (4) classes for 15 minutes each. Sign-up at https://forms.gle/6bwMFAeSdZunL3d5A. Volunteers will be accepted until March 6th or when spots are filled. We look forward to an amazing Career Day!

Book Fair

The book fair is back this week! We hope you will join us! Here are the hours:

Wednesday, March 1st: Book Fair Hours

The Book Fair officially opens at 7:30 AM for Parents & Pastries.

The Book Fair will reopen at 3:00 PM until 8:00 PM.


Thursday, March 2nd: Book Fair Hours

The Book Fair will be open for students to shop from 11:00 – 1:00 PM.

The Book Fair will be open for all from 1:15 – 8:00 PM.

Spring Picture Day

Spring picture day is coming up on March 8th! Please see the attached flyer for details on what is offered and the pricing.

Thrive Time Information

Parents, starting in March our school is going to be participating in a new character-education and life-skill program called Thrive Time. Please read the attached letter with detailed information. Thanks!


Dear Parent and Guardians,

Starting this month, Sunrise Elementary will become part of a field test of a new character-education and life-skills program called Thrive Time, which was created by Canyons District educators and curriculum specialists. The program’s short lessons are aimed at helping our students learn to resolve conflicts, make responsible decisions, set goals, build resilience, serve the community, and respect themselves and others.

Our school made the request to be a part of the field test because we believe our students will immediately benefit from Thrive Time, which has already been vetted by a group of parents from across CSD for sensitive content and age-appropriateness. During the field test, classrooms teachers, parents and students will be given the chance to provide feedback so CSD can modify and improve the lessons.

Thrive Time meets the state requirement for Canyons District to provide character education, addresses the various needs of CSD schools, and reflects the values of the Canyons community. Research tells us that schools with evidence-based character education programs report higher grade-point averages, feel safe and welcoming, have fewer instances of bullying and school-rule infractions, and note higher levels of student engagement and participation.

While our school will start participating in the field test on Tuesday March 7th, Canyons District also follows Utah State Board of Education Rule R277-105, which states: “A parent, a legal guardian of a student, or a secondary student may request a waiver of participation in any portion of the curriculum or school activity which the requesting party believes to be an infringement upon a right of conscience…” Parents or guardians who do not want their children to participate in CSD’s field test of the character education program should fill out the “waiver of participation” attached to this letter and return it to the school.  Students who opt out of the Thrive Time lessons will be provided a meaningful alternative activity.

Thank you for partnering with us in the education of your children. Together, we can help them thrive.


Dr. Angela Wilkinson


Sunrise Elementary

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org