1542 E. 11245 South, Sandy, UT 84092

Utah's #1 Elementary

4/10/23 School Newsletter



April 10, 2023


01: Kinder Cap ‘n’ Gown Photos

02: Kindergarten Orientation

03: Memory Books on Sale

04: Book Blitz Jr Winners!

05: Safety Reminders

06: School Community Council – Parents      Needed

07: Teachers Retiring – Open House & Info

08: Teacher of the Year for 2022-23

09: Learning Environment Forms

Kinder Cap ‘n’ Gown photos

On Tuesday April 11th our kindergarten students will have the opportunity to get a cap and gown photo. Eastman Adams will be coming to our school to take pictures of those students who have purchased this portrait option. They are $10 each if pre-ordered and the flyer is included in todays newsletter as an attachment. Only students who have paid / notified their teacher will have their photo taken.

Kindergarten Orientation

This Friday April 14th is our kindergarten orientation for the 2023-24 school year! It will be held here at Sunrise at 2:30 pm and will begin in the gym. This is an opportunity for your new students to see the classrooms and meet the teachers. We hope to see you there!

Memory Books on Sale

Memory Books are still on sale through April 21st and are only $8.50 per book! Please see attached flyer for details and to purchase! If you have issues with the QR code or access key, please contact Eastman Adams directly.

Book Blitz Jr Winners

Congratulations to The Word Ninjas team for winning the Book Blitz Jr competition for 4th and 5th grades! They will be heading to a district wide competition against other elementary schools. The runner up team was The Blobfish Squad. The winning team for the 3rd grade was The Blue Donut Cats! Runners up: Evan and the Dum Dums and Plurals Peeps. Great job reading everyone and good luck to the Word Ninjas at the district competition!

Safety Reminder

When waiting in your vehicle in the drive through pick-up lanes after school, please do not block access for other vehicles to enter/exit parking lot areas. We’ve had employees not be able to exit the west parking lot and complaints from parents that cannot enter our parking areas. Please be kind and do not block entrances or exits.

SCC – Parents Needed

Our school community council is in need of some new parent volunteers. There are 2 positions opening and we need willing parents to participate. If you would be interested in joining, please fill out the attached form and bring it into the office. All nominations are needed by April 18th, so get yours in today!

Teachers Retiring – Open House & Info

Pat Ward (3rd Grade) and Carolyn Brooks (4th Grade) are retiring this year, after many years of dedicated service as Sunrise teachers! As part of their retirement gift from the school, we are collecting letters from their current and past students and families to put together a book for each of them! Letters should be handwritten or typed out and printed, and can be turned in to the front office. Letters must be submitted by Friday May 12th. Please be sure that your submissions are clearly labeled with the teacher’s name!

We are also having an open house and all are welcome to come! Details below….

We have another teacher and paraeducator also leaving us at the end of this year. Mrs. Holman in 1st grade and Madison Metcalf in SPED will be moving on to new adventures. We have LOVED having them both as part of our Sunrise staff and community.

Learning Environment Forms

Parents interested in providing input on class placement for the 2023-24 school year are welcome to fill out a learning environment form. These are available in the front office and are also an attachment to this newsletter. Please note, forms must be turned in no later than Wednesday May 10, 2023. Thanks!

Teacher of the Year!

On Friday March 31st our teacher of the year was announced at a student assembly! Barbra Winder, a SALTA 4th grade teacher, was given the top honors! Mrs. Winder speaks hundreds of words every day.  The words we say matter and make a lasting difference far beyond what you expect.  Barbra is that type of a teacher for Sunrise students.  She is one that you look back 20 years from now and know they shaped a piece of you for the better.  She truly cares about each child in her classroom as a whole person, academically and socially.  Barbra is an educator who lifts her students up and encourages them to do their best.  Not only does she care about her students but also about the adults in and outside of the building.  She is the type of teacher that makes everyone feel welcome while holding them to high expectations.  Barbra does this with such a kind demeanor you leave any conversation with her feeling like the decision you just made was the best one.  She is a once in a lifetime teacher and has really helped our Eagles SOAR.



Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org