1542 E. 11245 South, Sandy, UT 84092

Utah's #1 Elementary

5/1/23 School Newsletter



May 1, 2023


01: Retirement Open House- THIS FRIDAY!


03: KEEP Testing for Kindergartners

04: PTA Thanks you!

05: Safety Reminder

06: National Principal’s Day!

07: Spirit Night May 15th – Raising Canes

Retirement Open House

This Friday May 5th is our retirement open house for Carolyn Brooks & Pat Ward! Both of these teachers have had MANY years of service here at Sunrise Elementary. We are honoring them by having an open house here in the gym from 2-3:30 pm. We are welcoming ALL of our Sunrise community to attend! Current and former students/ families and others are all welcome! It’s a wonderful opportunity to thank them in person for their impact on your learning before they are on to new adventures. We hope to see you there!

Teacher Appreciation Week

We are celebrating our teachers this week and are showering them with some love! Check your students back pack for a flyer from PTA on how you can participate! WE LOVE OUR TEACHERS and appreciate all they do to keep our students learning and growing every day!


KEEP testing for kindergarten

The end of the year kindergarten testing is coming up on May 23-25th. Parents are asked to go into Skyward family access starting on May 8th and to choose their students assessment time. This scheduling window will only be open until May 19th to parents. Thanks!

PTA Thanks you!

The PTA would like to extend a VERY BIG thank you to all who gave their time, products or other donations to their Fun Run this year. The programs they offer here at Sunrise would not be possible without the community support! An official overall donation total will be provided soon but we couldn’t wait to THANK YOU ALL for making the fundraiser a success. It’s wonderful to see our Sunrise Community come together!

Safety Reminder

The west parking lot area is reserved for faculty and staff. Please do not use this area as a pick up or drop off for your students.

National Principal’s Day!

Monday May 1st is U.S. School Principal’s Day and we’d like to celebrate and thank Dr. Angela Wilkinson for her efforts to make our school a wonderful place to be! Her leadership to our faculty and students makes our school the success that it is! Please let her know the next time you see her how much she is appreciated!

Spirit Night May 15th

Our PTA is hosting another spirit night! This one will be on May 15th at Raising Canes! Watch for more information in next weeks newsletter.


Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org