1542 E. 11245 South, Sandy, UT 84092

Utah's #1 Elementary

5/10/22 Sunrise Weekly Newsletter



May 9, 2022


01: SCC Voting- Happening NOW – 5/18/22

02: Pedestrian Safety

03: Lost & Found

04: Learning Environment Request Forms

05: Thank you PTA


07: Citizenship Winners for April

08: Last Day of school released at 12:15 pm

09: KEEP Assessment scheduling closing

10: Incoming Kindergarten Enrollment needed


The School Community Council voting began on Wednesday 5/4/22 and will continue until the end of the school day on 5/18/22. Candidates will be notified once all votes have been tallied. Please take the time to fill out a ballot if you come into the office- we appreciate it!

Pedestrian Safety

As the weather improves, we see more students walking and biking to school, Canyons District asks students, parents, and patrons to be extra vigilant around road construction sites and be on the lookout for young children crossing busy streets and negotiating traffic. Pedestrian safety is a shared responsibility. Please take a few minutes to discuss these safety tips at home with your families.

  • Pedestrians should stick to sidewalks when possible and walk facing traffic. Before crossing the street or train tracks, even at a crosswalk or designated area, stop and look left and right.
  • When biking or skateboarding to school, children should wear a helmet and understand traffic rules. They should come to a complete stop at crosswalks and walk their bike or skateboard across. Bikes and skateboards are not safe for use on train station platforms.
  • Never dart out in front of a parked car.
  • Avoid distractions. Do not bike, drive a motor vehicle, or cross a busy area while texting, talking on the phone or using headphones.
  • Obey all traffic signals and signs, and never go around a lowered gate at railroad crossings.
  • At train crossings: If lights are flashing or the gate is down, wait for the train to pass completely, the gates to lift and the lights to stop flashing before crossing. It is never okay to rush across and try to beat the train. Trains may be closer and faster than you think.
  • Don’t be tempted to walk along the train tracks. It is dangerous and against the law to walk on the track and the land around it because it is private property.
  • Drivers must always yield to pedestrians and should take extra care in school zones and at crosswalks.
  • It is illegal to pass a bus that is loading or unloading children. Keep in mind that school buses make frequent stops and must stop at all train crossings.

Lost & Found

Our lost and found is overflowing! Please have your students check there is they are missing any items. ALL items left after the last day of school will be donated.

Learning Environment Request Forms

This is the last 3 days we will be accepting Learning Environment request forms. If you want to submit one for your student, it must be received by the office no later than May 11th at the end of the school day.

Thank You, PTA

We’d like to thank PTA and its volunteers for the incredible effort they put in for our teachers and staff here at Sunrise. Last week our faculty was treated with many things to celebrate them for teacher appreciation week. Please know that every detail was appreciated and the time spent on our behalf is VERY appreciated. Thank you!


The PTA Fun Run was held at Alta High School this past Saturday and I think our PTA and the volunteers are still recovering from all of the work they put into it on that day and the days leading up to it! We will be sharing the grand totals as soon as we can!

Citizenship Winners for April

The citizenship trait of the month for April was forgiveness and the following students were selected by their teachers for being an example of this trait:


Charlotte W., Crew N., Quinn S., Alexis F., Chistina Z., Crosby H., Grace G., Ollie C., Lacey S., Ashton P., Cedric Y., Elliot A., Nash O., Drake W., Tori H., Caden G., Liam Y., Vivian B., Avery L., Levi H., Korver J., Greta J., Cristopher C., Olivia C., Skyler T., Zachary C., Liam V., Lincoln H., Kolton J.


Congratulations to these students! Keep up the great work!


Last Day of School is an Early Release Day

As a reminder, the last day of school is an early release day. The students will be dismissed from school at 12:15 pm. Please make a note!


KEEP Assessment scheduling window closing

The window for parents to go in and schedule end-of-the-year KEEP testing for their kindergarten students will be closing on May 13th at 5pm, so if you have not already scheduled your testing, please go to your Skyward Family Access and do that as soon as possible.  Thanks!

Incoming Kindergarten Enrollment Needed

If you have an incoming kindergarten student for 2022-23 school year and have not filled out the enrollment application, including birth certificate, immunization records and proof of residency, then we need you to do that as soon as possible. We have already begun this process and are over halfway through our list. In order to ensure your student is on a class list for next year, we need this enrollment information as soon as possible. Thank you!

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org