1542 E. 11245 South, Sandy, UT 84092

Utah's #1 Elementary

5/15/23 School Newsletter



May 15, 2023


01: Spirit Night TONIGHT

02: PTA Fundraiser Total

03: BOGO Book Fair

04: Kindergarten Last Day / KEEP Testing

05: Last Day of School 1-5th Grade

06: Book Blitz Jr 2023-24 Book Lists

07: Lost & Found

08: Safety Reminder

Raising Canes Spirit Night

We are VERY excited to have another spirit night planned for May 15th at the 10986 S State Street location. Please see the attached flyer for details and we hope you’ll join us!

PTA Fundraiser Total

Our PTA are still in awe of the generousity from our Sunrise community! The fun in the sun run was able to bring in a total of $24,000 dollars and will contribute to the following programs next year: Teacher Appreciation, Book Fair, Field Trips, Reflections, Elementary Masters Art, College Day, Red and White Ribbon Week, Watch Dogs, Grown-ups and Goodies, NOVA,

Grants to the School, Read Across America Week, Reading Incentives, Book Blitz, Classroom Parties, Field Day and Junior Achievement. In addition to these programs, we are planning to purchase a spirit wear shirt for every student next year! None of these would be possible without your support, so THANK YOU!

BOGO Book Fair

Scholastic is back with a Buy One Get One book fair this week! It’s only here for a limited time so don’t miss your opportunity to check it out along with the gallery walk of our students work on the bulletin boards throughout the building. The fair hours are:

Tuesday, May 16th      3:00 – 8:00pm

Thursday, May 18th     3:00 – 8:00pm

Friday, May 19th          8:30 – 1:30pm

Kindergarten Last Day

Our kindergarten’s last day of school will be held on May 19th. The last week of school is reserved for teachers to do their individual end of the year KEEP testing. If you haven’t already, please sign up through Skyward family access for your students time to meet with their teacher. This access will close to parents on May 19th at 5pm.

Last day for 1-5th Grade

The last day for 1-5th grade will be on May 26th. We do not serve breakfast or lunch on this day and school is released at 12:15 pm.

Book Blitz Jr 2023-24 Book Lists

Summer is a great time to get in some extra reading! If your student is interested in joining Book Blitz Jr next year, check out the list of books attached to this newsletter and they can get a head start. Book Blitz Jr is open for 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students. Third graders have a separate reading list and 4th and 5th graders share the list of books. Happy reading!

Lost & Found

As a reminder, the lost and found is FULL of hoodies, coats and other items. These will be donated the Monday after school is out, so please check for any lost items!

Safety Reminder

Parents parking their car in front of the school to pick up their student at the end of school day should be exiting their car, walking over to the school sidewalk to join their student when walking to their car.

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org