1542 E. 11245 South, Sandy, UT 84092

Utah's #1 Elementary

5/8/23 School Newsletter



May 8, 2023


01: KEEP Testing for Kindergartners

02: Life Skills Winners for April

03: Attendance Winners for April

04: Raising Canes Spirit Night May 15th

05: Field Day – May 17th

06: Learning Environment Forms- DUE

07: Fun Run THANKS!

KEEP Testing for kindergarten

The end of the year kindergarten testing is coming up on May 23-25th. Parents are asked to go into Skyward family access starting TODAY and to choose their students assessment time. This scheduling window will only be open to parents until May 19th to parents, so get in and choose your preferred time as soon as you can!

Life Skills Winners

The life skill for April is resilience, and the following students were chosen by their teachers for exemplifying that characteristic: Jude M., Zeke F., Isaac G., Gryffin M., Matthew K., Jesse S., Kelsi C., Matthew P., Maxwell R., Hudson O., Robert N., Owen J., Andrew B., Abeer P., Hudsyn S., Vivienne C., Beckham H., Emery E., Parks L., Liam S., Andie W., Elizabeth Y., Sierra F., Olivia C., Joslin S., Jack R., Brynlee Z. Congratulations to you all!

Attendance Winners

The following students were chosen as attendance winners for the month of April! We appreciate you being in class and on time: Emma H., Leonidas B., Indie C., John A., Lillian C., Alexander S.

Raising Canes Spirit Night

We are VERY excited to have another spirit night planned for May 15th at the 10986 S State Street location. Please see the attached flyer for details and we hope you’ll join us!

Field Day – May 17th

Our PTA has scheduled some very fun activities for our field day on May 17th! All grades are included, and water will be involved in some of those activities. Please dress your students accordingly in clothing that can dry quickly and shoes that can get wet. We do not have rooms for students to change, so please have them wear it to school.

Learning Environment Forms – DUE

Parents interested in providing input on class placement for the 2023-24 school year are welcome to fill out a learning environment form. These are available in the front office and are also an attachment to this newsletter. Please note, forms must be turned in no later than Wednesday May 10, 2023. Thanks!


THANK YOU Sunrise Families for your amazing support of our annual PTA fundraiser! We had fun with you at the Fun in the Sun Run. We are on track to surpass our goal of $18,000!! The Grand Total will be announced soon! Congrats to the classes that earned a free recess by having 100% of their donation envelopes turned in! Also, Congratulations to the top donating classes in each grade! These classes each earned a special class party:

Kinder- Cobabe         1st- Holman    2nd- Harper

3rd- McBee     4th- Jahries     5th- Broadhead

A special thanks for Cobabe & Broadhead’s classes who combined donated $5000!!! WOOOW!!

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org