1542 E. 11245 South, Sandy, UT 84092

Utah's #1 Elementary

8/8/2022 Parent Newsletter



August 8, 2022


01: Kinder Parents- Sign Up for Assessment

02: Back to School / Meet & Greet Teachers

03: Student Supplies

04: Breakfast Access

05: First Day of School Procedures- NEW!

06: Plan Ahead – School Picture Day

07: Have you finished Back-to-School    Registration?

08: Parking Lot Procedures

09: East Playground Update

10: Watch Dogs

Kinder Parents- Sign up for KEEP Assessment

Kindergarten parents please do not forget to sign up for the KEEP assessment. This is a one-on- one meeting with your student and the teacher before the first day of school. Instructions for signing up can be found on our website. Scheduling window will close to parents on August 15th, so get in now to schedule yours!

Back to School / Meet & Greet Teachers

On Thursday August 11th from 4-5:30 pm we will be hosting a back to school / teacher meet and greet event. This is a chance for students and parents to walk the school, see their classroom and introduce themselves to their teacher, find their spot to line up on the first day, sign up for PTA and visit us here in the office for any other needs. Please be mindful of the teacher’s time during this event. If you feel you may need more time with them, please email your students teacher directly to set up a meeting outside of this event. Emails for the teachers can be found on our web site. Thank you!

Student Supplies

Most student supplies are provided by the school and will be in their classroom desk. However, they will need a back pack and refillable water bottle with their names clearly written on it. Student backpacks/bottles are often the same style, so this helps ensure your students does not get claimed by another person.

Breakfast Access

Here at Sunrise, we offer breakfast to our students. Breakfast is served starting at 7:45 am and students must enter through the FRONT OFFICE. This is a change from previous years. Students will not have access to enter/exit the west doors in the morning. After breakfast, students will also exit through the front office doors. We will have directional stanchions throughout the hallways directing students to the cafeteria. Parents will not be given entry to breakfast unless they are a registered volunteer for the 2022-23 school year.

First Day of School

It’s almost time for the first day of school! PLEASE READ THE NEW BEFORE SCHOOL PROCEDURES:

On August 15th first-fifth grade students will be asked to go out to the east and south playground areas starting at 8 am. At this time, there will be teachers/staff outside to monitor the students. They are to play on the playground or wait patiently until the welcome bell at 8:15 am. Once this bell rings they are to line up at their grade level doors. There will be signs out during the meet and greet event and also during the first week of school that indicate the teacher names. Teachers will meet their classes by their sign and direct them inside. Please assist your student in finding where they are to go to meet their class. Please direct your student to enter through those grade level doors until 8:20 am, after that time the doors will automatically lock and students will need to be directed to the front office to enter.


Starting at 8:30 am, students will be marked tardy and given a pink tardy slip that they will take to their teacher.

Kindergarten students will line up at the front of the school near the kindergarten playground. They are not to play on playground areas, including the kindergarten playground.

Plan Ahead – School Picture Day

This year our first school picture day will be on September 8th. Please mark your calendars now so your student won’t miss it!

We are also using a new photographer this year. We are very excited to welcome Eastman Adams to Sunrise! We will be sending out picture packet information as soon as it is available.

Back-to-School Registration

As a reminder, Canyons District ask that each student have Back-to-School registration done for the 2022-23 school year. This registration can be found in your Skyward family access. If you have not already done so, please go in and complete these steps. It allows access for your student to use school technology and is also an opportunity for you to check that all information we have listed is correct. Play close attention to emails as that is the primary communication from the school to parents.

Parking Lot Procedures

Parents, we include parking lot procedures and tips in every newsletter as it is a concern for our community. The safety of all students/families is a priority. We ask ALL to follow the safety protocols and directions in our parking lot areas. With that said, here is a reminder of what we do here at Sunrise.


Dropping off students should be done in the pull through lanes. These go ONE WAY and students should only be exiting from the curb. The lane away from the curb is an exit lane to assist the flow of traffic. We ask that you pull as far forward as possible before stopping to have your student exit the vehicle. Again, this allows for faster traffic flow.


Picking up students is done in similar fashion to drop off. Students should be picked up from the curb where they can safely enter the vehicle. Once they are in and buckled, you can exit the pull through lane. DO NOT block driveways while waiting, and please save space on street from the east pull through lane to allow for busses to enter the parking lot.

DO NOT use the parking lot as a pull through lane. If you pull into parking lot, we ask that you park your car and walk over to your student and walk them back. ALWAYS USE CROSSWALKS WHEN WALKING IN PARKING LOT OR CROSSING STREETS.

East Playground Update

Sunrise elementary is getting a new playground structure! There is an area prepared on the east side and it should be installed in the coming weeks. The swings will not be returning to Sunrise, per Canyons District policy, so that area will be changed over the next few weeks.

Be on the lookout for a new fun structure!

Watch Dogs

Have you heard of the Watch Dogs program? The Dads of Great Students or WATCH D.O.G.S. program is one of the nation’s largest and most respected school-based, family, and community engagement, organizations in the country. WATCH D.O.G.S. is a family and community engagement educational initiative designed and developed by educators, experts and parent volunteers over more than two decades. Our program helps provide positive male role models for the students, demonstrating by their presence that education is important. Meanwhile, we provide extra sets of eyes and ears to enhance school security, reduce bullying and provide a greater sense of campus safety allowing students and teachers to focus on learning. Are you interested in volunteering? Please click on the following link: https://signup.com/go/tfypdLe or go to our web site, scroll to the bottom and click on the link there.

We LOVE our watch dogs!

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org