1542 E. 11245 South, Sandy, UT 84092

Utah's #1 Elementary

9/12/22 Newsletter



September 12, 2022


01: Attendance High’s & Low’s

02: Watchdog’s & Donut’s on Friday!

03: Parent Teacher Conference scheduling

04: Parking Lot Reminder

05: SALTA Testing Reminder

06: Sunrise Spirit Wear reminder

Attendance High’s & Low’s

Each week we will be posting our attendance high’s and low’s on Instagram. It includes the number of students absent, number of tardy and the percentage of students in school the previous week.

We also started a drawing for prizes for those who are getting 100 % attendance! Each month teachers will submit names of students who have been on time and in class every day that month. Those names are placed in a drawing to win a prize! Only 1 name per grade level each month is a winner.

Our August winners are: Kasey H, Amina M., Evan T., Adelyn L., Aayushi P., Henry H.

Watchdog’s & Donuts

The PTA is sponsoring a Watchdog’s and Donuts event (formerly Dad’s and donuts) this Friday September 16th from 7:30 am – 8:15 am. This is an opportunity for our student’s to bring their Dad, uncle, grandpa or any other important person with them to read a book and have a donut. It’s also an opportunity to sign up to be a Watchdog here at Sunrise! To participate, please enter through the west doors at 7:30 am. Parents/students will not be permitted into the hallways- thanks!

Parent Teacher Conference Scheduling

Parent teacher conferences are going to be held on September 28 & 29th and it is time for you to choose your day/time to meet your students teacher. The scheduling window has opened to parents today in Skyward Family Access and will be available through Sept 27th at 5pm. There are instructions attached to this newsletter if you need help signing up. We encourage you to sign up sooner than later as they fill up quickly!

Parking Lot Reminder

During the after school pick-up times, please do not park at the entrance to the parking lot to wait for an open parking stall. If there is not a space available, please pull around and wait in the pull through lane. Our staff is doing all they can to monitor the students & traffic to keep things moving as quickly as possible. We appreciate your efforts in keep our students safe.

SALTA Testing Reminder

The application for SALTA testing is now open to parents. Please see the attached form for a QR code that can get you more information about the program and how to apply for testing.

Sunrise Spirit Wear Reminder

As a reminder, the Sunrise spirit wear is still available to purchase. PTA WILL NOT BE PURCHASING SHIRTS FOR STUDENTS, so if your student would like a Sunrise t-shirt or hoodie please see the attached form for the QR code to purchase.


Order’s must be in by September 30th!

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org