1542 E. 11245 South, Sandy, UT 84092

Utah's #1 Elementary

9/19/22 Newsletter



September 19, 2022



02: PT Conferences- scheduling open

03: Boo to the Flu

04: Book Fair

05: Grownups and Goodies

06: Subsidized Internet available

07: Parking Lot Tip / After School pickup

08: Early Out Day / Day Off NEXT WEEK

09: T-Shirt Orders

10: Book Blitz – volunteers needed

Parent Square- Sign Up!

Canyons District has moved over to Parent Square to handle school communication and Sunrise Elementary is now starting to use that application as well. These weekly newsletters will be sent using Parent Square and teachers will also start using it to get classroom information out to parents. If you have not already done so, please download parent square and sign up!

Apple QR Code:

Android QR Code:

Parent Teacher Conferences Scheduling

The parent teacher conference scheduling window is now open! Please go to Skyward Family access and choose the day/time you’d like to schedule to meet the teacher(s). The window will close on September 27th at 5pm.

Boo to the Flu

Community Nursing Services will be hosting a “Boo to the Flu” event during parent teacher conferences. On Wednesday September 28th-Thursday the 29th from 4- 7pm in the KIVA they will be offering the flu vaccine to students.

Book Fair

The PTA is sponsoring a Scholastic book fair on September 28-29th in the gym. The following are the hours:

Wednesday Sept 28th: 7:30-8:30am, 3-8 pm

Thursday 11 – 8 pm.

Grownups and Goodies

Grownups and goodies is coming up on Wednesday September 28th from 7:30 – 8:15 am in the gym. This is an opportunity for any grownup to come in with their student, get a breakfast pastry and enjoy reading a book! We hope you’ll join us!

Subsidized Internet

As part of continued efforts to bridge the digital divide for our students, Canyons is again partnering with the Comcast Corporation to cover monthly Internet connection costs for families in need. Here’s how to see if your home is eligible.

  • Call your child’s school and ask for the person over Internet Essentials.
  • If you qualify for the program, the school will provide you with a sign-up code.
  • Call 844-963-0178 and provide Comcast with your sign-up code. You will also be asked to provide your home

address and to choose if you want the WIFI equipment shipped to you, installed by a technician, or held for pickup at a local Xfinity location. You may also be asked to provide your Social Security Number and/or Driver’s License number, but there is no obligation to share this information.

Note: Not all home addresses are eligible for Comcast connectivity. Our offer of subsidized WIFI is only available within Comcast’s service area.

Parking Lot Tip / After School Pickup

After the final bell has rung for the school day students are asked to leave their grade level doors and to head home. All students should be heading to their designated areas to be picked up etc. and should be off of the school campus by 3:30 pm. Students are not to be on playground areas after school hours unless accompanied by an adult or as part of a school sponsored program. All students remaining on campus are asked by school staff to come into the office to call parents to get a safe way home.

Early Out Day / Day Off Next Week

As a reminder, due to parent teacher conferences, next Thursday September 29th is an early out day. All students will follow the Friday bell schedule. All grades 1-5th and supplemental kindergarten will be released at 1:15 pm. AM/PM kinder parents, please follow their Friday schedule.

T-Shirt Orders

The PTA is going to be finalizing their Sunrise spirit wear orders. If you have an interest in ordering a Sunrise T-shirt, sweatshirt/hoodie please refer to the flyer in this newsletter for a QR code to order. ALL ORDERS need to be in by September 30th- no exceptions.

Book Blitz

Have you ever heard of Book Blitz Jr? It is a new extended learning opportunity in which 4-5th grade students work in teams to read and study a number of titles based on grade level over the course of several months. They will then participate in “Jeopardy style” competitions to demonstrate their knowledge of the books, first at the school level, followed by the winning 4th-5th grade team moving on to the district competition against 4th-5th grade teams from other district elementary schools.

In order to run this program at our school we would need several volunteers to work with the teams, are you interested in making it happen? Please contact Krystina Richins (our school PTA president) at stina.richins@gmail.com to let her know. We need to get a response no later than September 29th.


Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org