1542 E. 11245 South, Sandy, UT 84092

Utah's #1 Elementary

Snow Guidelines: Winter is Coming and CSD Schools are Prepared

Bundle up! With the arrival of the season’s first major snow, and more in the forecast for the Salt Lake valley, there will be days in the coming weeks when traveling to and from school is challenging for families.

Please give yourself extra time to walk and drive to school or arrive at the bus stop safely. On wet, wintry days, our schools are lenient with tardies, because we want everyone arriving to school safe, sound and ready to learn.

Keep in mind that, while some of us would prefer to be hitting the slopes or staying tucked in bed with a good book, “snow days,” or school cancellations, are rare in Utah. More often, the District will choose to delay the start of school in order to provide our partner cities with more time to clear sidewalks and streets.

What factors do administrators weigh when deciding whether to delay or cancel school — and how are parents notified? Please see the following list of answers to frequently asked questions.

Bottom line: No public announcement means schools will be open and operating as usual. Unless extreme weather creates unsound traveling conditions, schools operating under the Canyons District umbrella will remain open on scheduled school days.

How we decide:  School closures are announced when authorized by the Canyons Superintendent of Schools or his designee after consulting with senior staff members and the Transportation Department, which has drivers out on inclement days as early as 4 a.m. to survey road conditions. The National Weather Service and other state, county and city agencies also may be consulted.

Closures are for one day only: All announcements are for one day only. No announcement means schools will be open and operate as usual.

Announcements: Canyons District will employ its website, the Skylert emergency-communication system, and Facebook and Twitter (@canyonsdistrict) to immediately notify parents about school delays or cancelations. Parents and employees also should tune into Wasatch Front radio and television stations for information. It’s important for families each year to log in to Skyward Family Access to update their contact information and settings. New this year: Parents can sign up to receive text messages in addition to emails and phone calls. For help updating Skyward settings, please call 801-826-5544.

What we will tell you: The District will communicate one of three messages: 1) day and date a school is closed; 2) day and date a school is starting late; or 3) day and date schools will be dismissed.

Telephones: The District Office employs Front Desk personnel to answer questions that arise during snow events who can be reached at 801-826-5000. Please be patient, as the District may experience a high volume of phone calls on these days. Parents also may call their child’s school.  

Why keep schools open during snowstorms?
Our 34,000 students count on us to deliver a quality education in a safe, welcoming environment. Unscheduled school closures disrupt learning and place a burden on parents who work full time and can’t easily be home to supervise their children. Neighborhood schools also are a primary source of breakfast and lunch for many of our students. 

What if I’d prefer to keep my child home? 
While school-closure decisions will be made in the best interest of a school community, the District respects the rights of parents and guardians to decide what’s best for children in their care. 

Emergency plans: Families are encouraged to establish an emergency plan for their children in the event that schools are closed, have a delayed start or dismissed early. Parents are urged to instruct their children where to go or what to do if a parent is not at home.

Bus stops: Parents are asked to meet their children at bus stops when buses are running on delayed or emergency schedules.

Make-up days: Any determination about make-up days is made by District administrators in coordination with the Canyons District Board of Education and Utah State Board of Education.

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org