1542 E. 11245 South, Sandy, UT 84092

Utah's #1 Elementary

Sunrise Singers – November Newsletter

Dear Choir Parents,


We are down to the last several rehearsals before our concert.  The time is flying!  We have a few important items we’d like to communicate to you.


First, some calendaring. We will be holding practice on Tuesday, November 26th  due to Thanksgiving break.  Please note the day change from Wednesday.  We need to rehearse that week in order to be ready for our concert.  Rehearsal will begin at our usual 7:15 time.


Our winter concert will be held at Sunrise on Tuesday, December 10th at 6:00 pm.  Call time for Sunrise Singers is 5:40 in the kiva.  Please make a note of that on your calendar. This concert time is earlier than usual due to a conflict with the Indian Hills Middle Band Concert that evening.  Hopefully our earlier time will alleviate the problem.  Singers should wear their blue choir shirt, black pants or skirt, and black shoes.  There will also be a Tuesday morning practice that morning on December 10th at 7:15 am.  After December 10th, choir will break until February 6th.


The choir will perform for the school during an assembly on Friday, December 6th.  Please send your singers to school that day in their blue choir shirt, black pants or skirt, and black shoes. 


Choir shirts will come home during the first week of December.  If you have questions about the shirts, please contact Katie Christensen at katiechristensen202@hotmail.com.


We could use a few parents to help set up for the winter concert. This involves putting up a backdrop behind our risers. When parents have done this in the past, it has been such a huge help!  If you are willing to help set up for the winter concert please contact Katie Christensen at katiechristensen202@hotmail.com.


A quick note to clarify our drop off procedure for safety. In order to make sure students cross safely into the building now that it is dark in the morning, we need you to circle through the regular drop-off lane in front of the kindergarten playground.  Students should be able to walk from there to the west doors using the sidewalk.  No cars should enter into the west parking lot.  Thank you for being willing to make that change.


Thanks for supporting your kids on these early choir mornings.  It is such a great program sponsored by our school PTA. We are looking forward to showing you what we have learned!



Choir Directors

Katie Christensen, Jen Day, and Ashlee Olsen

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