1542 E. 11245 South, Sandy, UT 84092

Utah's #1 Elementary

Why did the man with a chicken hat cross the road?

Why did the man with a chicken hat cross the road? To get the kids safely to the other side, of course. If you’ve ever driven on 1700 East while kids are walking to or from Sunrise Elementary, you’ve likely had the pleasure of seeing Barry Gardener and his amazing and amusing collection of hats. The genial Sandy City crossing guard wears a different hat every day while helping kids traverse this particular street en route to Sunrise Elementary. Why? Because it brightens everybody’s day, he says. He believes kids have so many hard things to deal with, so he goes out of his way to give them at least one bright spot. Gardener has 25 different hats, including the pictured poultry headwear. He also has a pirate hat, an umbrella hat, and even one that you could call a “hatburger” (a hat that looks like a hamburger). You won’t find a friendlier crossing guard around, either. He waves at every car, and everybody waves back (with the exception of one person, but he jovially says he’s working on her). He’s also attentive to students’ needs. He helped arrange for one young student to receive a coat and daily breakfasts from the school. And if you’re ever on 1700 East and 12000 South, please drive slowly and safely, and be sure to wave to the man crossing the road wearing a chicken hat — or any of his other 24 hats. He’ll be sure to wave back. Happy National Crossing Guard Day! #NSCR

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