1542 E. 11245 South, Sandy, UT 84092

Utah's #1 Elementary

Fundraisers and Business Partnerships

Canyons District Policy allows the PTA and the school to have two fundraisers each year.  Funds raised support programs, provide classroom supplies, and help to upgrade technology throughout the building, keeping our school current and up to date.  In addition to these fundraisers, we are also grateful for the partnerships that we have with local businesses in the community.

PTA Fun Run
The PTA’s annual fundraiser is the Family Fun Run.  Students receive sponsors and awards at school for their fundraising.  In spring, students, families, and teachers run and walk one mile at Sunrise Elementary.  It is a great, family friendly event.  Everyone is encouraged to participate and show their Sunrise Eagle pride. 

Box Tops for Education
Did you know that Sunrise earns 10¢ for every Box Top for Education that you bring in?  Help our school by sending Box Tops in with your student.  Don’t forget to recruit your family and friends too!

Please take a moment to update your Smith’s account to select Sunrise to receive .5% of your eligible purchases.  Smith’s is committed to helping our communities grow and prosper. Year after year, local schools and other nonprofit organizations earn millions of dollars through Smith’s Community Rewards.  There is no cost to enroll, and enrollment will not affect your fuel points or coupon discounts.  It takes five minutes or so to create an account and then to select Sunrise. 

  • Go to https://www.smithsfoodanddrug.com/
  • Create an online account
    • It is helpful to have your 10 digit Smith’s rewards number available when creating your online account.
  • Scroll to the bottom of the website and select Smith’s Inspiring Donations
  • Click on Enroll Now
  • Select Sunrise as your community organization
  • Sunrise’s organization number is GY162

Business Partnerships
We are grateful for local businesses that support our school.  If you or someone you know is able to donate money, time, or services to Sunrise, please contact the office.