School Community Council Agenda
Wednesday, January 22, 2025
4:00 pm
In attendance:
X Marc Hone
X Jessica Vanderhooft
X Kevin Ellsworth
X Angela Wilkinson
X Kati Burgess
X Grace Cobabe
X Kayla Slack
X Lyndsi Seltz
Meeting Start Time: 4:01 pm
SCC Business:
- Call meeting to order
2. Welcome
3. Approval of November Minutes
Principals Report:
- Final Report for Landtrust/TSSP:
a. 23-24 school year recap to help us to look at our data for the current school year.
b. Acadience Goals: Met our goal for K-2nd grade of 80%, met our goal for 3rd-5th of 80%, did not meet the SALTA goal of 100%.
c. A lot of growth in Concepts and Applications for each grade.
d. 80% goal for internalizing and externalizing behavior. The goal was not met in internalizing at 79% and did meet the goal for externalizing at 84%. How do we help our students and train our teachers to help with internalizing behaviors?
2. Land Trust & TSSP update and review
3. Safety Drill Report – 100% on all our safety drills for the school year
a. Fire Drill beginning of January
b. Best drill of the year because of the new app Crisis Go
4. Indoor Days temperature – would like to move it to “feels like” 21 degrees
a. There would be community reach out before moving it officially.
b. 21 and below we are inside
c. 22 and above we are outside
d. Approved 7:1
i. For: Marc Hone, Kati Burgess, Grace CObabe, Kevin Ellsworth, Kayla Slack, Angela Wilkinson, Lyndsi Seltz
ii. Against: Jessica Vanderhooft
5. January Budget Review: Where are we at currently?
a. Cell Tower – $15,340.06
b. Land Trust – $58,804.75
i. We are right on track for Land Trust.
ii. Kinder Aides $3050 (new aid about a month ago and will increase over time)
iii. Reading Instructional Aids $15000
iv. Subs (amount TBD)
v. Conference approx $9000
vi. Equipment $2075
vii. Math Instructional $9000
c. TSSP – $82,716.53
i. Kinder Aides $19,070.07
ii. Software $8132 and $7746
iii. MTSS assignment $15,000
iv. School Counselor $50,000
v. Recess Aid $1848 (started about a month ago and will increase)
6. Input from the Community if present
7. Adjourn
Upcoming School Community Council Meeting for 2024-2025
Next Meeting: February 19th
Meeting End time: 4:00pm