1542 E. 11245 South, Sandy, UT 84092

Utah's #1 Elementary

February 15, 2023 – Minutes

School Community Council Agenda

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

4:00 pm


Sunrise Elementary School


In attendance: X Kat Holt  X Hillary Hewitt  X Aimee Hone X Barbara Winder  X Kevin Ellsworth X Sara McBee    X Angela Wilkinson   X Lyndsi Seltz


Meeting Start Time:  4:06pm


SCC Business:

  1. Call meeting to order


  1. Welcome


  1. Approval of January Minutes
    1. Motion to approve: Barbara
    2. 2nd: Amiee
    3. Approved


Principals Report:

  1. Winter CBM Data
    1. Good progress in Kindergarten class, especially in Math
    2. 1st grade – still low in math
  1. Working in kindergarten standards along with 1st grade standards
  2. Have tier 2 aids for math and reading
  • Could propose having parent helpers come in more
    1. Other grades on track – good progress in Math especially
    2. Neighborhood
  1. 4th and 5th grade in ELA still a bit low
  1. Safety Drill Report
    1. Up to date on these


  1. February Budgets
    1. Cell Tower – $21k
    2. Land Trust – $35,360
    3. TSSP – $43,163


  1. TSSP & Land Trust goals
    1. Same goals from last year
    2. 80% proficient, 100% of Salta achieve proficient
    3. Budget from this year
  1. Math Teacher aids – $24k
  2. Math software – $6.5k
  • Kinder instructional assistants – $27k
  1. 4 reading instructional aids – $45
  2. Reading plus software $6.5k
  3. Makerspace materials – $1k (less needed now after established)
  • Substitutes – $1k
  • 2 MTSS Assistants – $20k
  1. House full time school councilor – $45

Other topics

  • Book vending machine
    • Not getting a lot of traction, but some kids using with PBIS
    • Maybe as reward for other things
  • Next SCC meeting
    • Need to sign off on plans
    • Currently scheduled over parent teach conferences
    • Proposing to March 22nd
      • Motion to approve: Hillary
      • 2nd: Amiee
      • Approved unanimously
  1. Input from the Community if present
    1. None present
  1. Adjourn
    1. Motion to approve: Hillary
    2. 2nd: Lyndsi
    3. Approved unanimously

Upcoming School Community Council Meeting for 2022-2023

Next Meeting: March 22nd

Meeting End time: 4:54pm


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Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org