1542 E. 11245 South, Sandy, UT 84092

Utah's #1 Elementary

February 21, 2024 – Minutes

School Community Council Agenda

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

4:00 pm

Sunrise Elementary School


In attendance:

X Kat Holt

X Hillary Hewitt

X Aimee Hone

X Grace Cobabe

X Kevin Ellsworth

X Kayla Slack

X Angela Wilkinson

X Lyndsi Seltz


Meeting Start Time:  4:00 pm


SCC Business:

  1. Call meeting to order


2. Welcome


3. Approval of January Minutes- Approved

Principals Report:

  1. Winter CBM Data-
    1. Kindergarten:
      1. Math 77% → 93%
      2. ELA Composite 83% → 94%
    2. 1st:
      1. Math Composite 83% → 92%
      2. ELA Composite 82% → 79%
    3. 2nd:
      1. Math Composite 80% → 84%
      2. ELA Composite 83% → 81%
    4. 3rd:
      1. Math Composite 86% → 89%
      2. ELA Composite 83% → 84%
    5. 4th:
      1. Math Composite 83% → 91%
      2. ELA Composite 66% → 67%
    6. 5th:
      1. Math Composite 80% → 93%
      2. ELA Composite 71% → 79%



2. Safety Drill Report- 100%. This month was hazardous materials training. We will be doing the evacuation drill in March.


3. February Budgets

    1. Cell Tower – $17,751.22
    2. Land Trust – $41,324.14
    3. TSSP – $73,113.85
    4. About $15,000 for the remainder of the year. We spoke about hiring an additional MTSS assistant. Possible focus on high attendance needs. Building relationships with families of students who have a high attendance need. Putting incentives in place to increase attendance.
    5. Planning to look at externalizing and internalizing SRSSE data with teams.
    6. Additional $15,000 that was approved last school year for our school counselor.


4. TSSP & Land Trust goals:

    1. Grade-level teams are planning to keep the same or similar goals as last year.
    2. Potential attendance goal added. Concerns in attendance as it relates to vacations and sickness. Some students miss >50 days which affects academics.


5. Input from the Community if present

    1. Question about Planning time for teachers approved by the board. 45 minute daily booster (Monday-Thursday) +15 minute recess. 60 minutes total daily planning time for teachers. Fridays will not change. More details to come over time.
    2. School is looking at departmentalizing in SALTA 3rd-5th grade. Peruvian is also looking at doing this.


6. Adjourn


Upcoming School Community Council Meeting for 2023-2024

Next Meeting: March 20th

Meeting End Time: 4:55 pm

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