1542 E. 11245 South, Sandy, UT 84092

Utah's #1 Elementary

January 15, 2020 – Minutes


Margaret Swanicke – Principal
Raye Ann Blauer – Teacher – excused
Jolene Farley Sunrise – Teacher

Sarah Carlson
Pam Gassman – excused
Rochelle Griffin
Marc Hone
Jessica Petersen

Agenda Items

  1. Approve November minutes
  2. Finalize SNAP Plan
    1. Committee reviewed plan and made changes
    2. Discussion on the bluff’s lack of bus stop
      1. Margaret was asked to find out why we can’t combine their bus stop with another bus stop nearby and if we could use cell tower funds to pay for the bus route.
        1. She was told that if we were to open up our current bus to the bluff, there wouldn’t be enough room for everyone.
        2. It was also suggested that Sunrise use cell tower fund to pay for a bus.  Jeff Wren clarified that this is not an option as it is way too expensive, sets a precedence, and we already don’t have enough drivers for our current routes.
  3. Begin writing our TSSP and LAND Trust Plan for 2020 – including PD needs
    1. PD Goal – Student Centered Learning
      1. Focus on standards
      2. Peer engagement
      3. How are we using technology?
      4. PLCs – Impact Team protocol
      5. More arts experiences
      6. Infini D Learning
    2. TSSP:  kinder aides, small group push in aides, technology, PD – substitutes, supplemental curriculum, ELOs
      1. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1h2dsd2EzwjUC6GGGS1j-w9tiXaJQ1fQaKszQQtPF9pM/edit#gid=0 
    3. LAND Trust: intervention aides, software programs, technology, substitutes

        4. December/January safety drill reports and budgets

      1. Fire drill went well – still working on DIR-S implementation
      2. Cell Tower – 11,000
        1. 6,000 for teacher morale (food, shirts)
        2. 1,200 on attendance
        3.  3,800 left – SCC approved to put funds towards a sun shade
          1. Margaret was asked to look into the district planting trees on the playground
      3. On track to spend Land Trust and TSSP money 

        5.  Input from the Community if present

        6. Adjourn

Upcoming meetings for the 2019-2020

March 10th
May 19th

Upcoming Projects

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