1542 E. 11245 South, Sandy, UT 84092

Utah's #1 Elementary

March 16, 2022 – Minutes

School Community Council Agenda

Wednesday, March 16, 2021

5:00 pm


Sunrise Elementary School


In attendance: xKat Holt   xHillary Hewitt  xMeghan Gardner  xKimberly Metcalf  Sara Carlson  xSara McBee   xAngela Wilkinson   xLyndsi Seltz


Meeting Start Time:  5:00pm


SCC Business:

  • Call meeting to order


  • Welcome


  • Approval of January Minutes: Motion to approve: Kat Holt 2nd by Meghan Gardner


Principals Report:

  • Photographer change: Lifetouch, Bell and Eastman Adams all were contacted. Eastman Adams was quickest to respond. Bell came in and talked to Angela, they had a growing and learning year and felt like they would be better next year. Angela passed around notes from lifetouch and Eastman Adams
  • Review Positive Behavior Plan: Peer Pressure, Mental Health and positive relationships:
    They are continuing morning meanings, PBIS rewards, small group etc, supplemental lessons by SEL staff. School Counselor goes in to each individual class, character education program,

Angela is looking into a calming room for next year as a place

Angela will submit plan

  • Winter CBM Data/Math DWSBA Data/SRSS-IE Data: went over in January.=
  • February/March Safety Drill Report: Still 100% on drills
  • March Budgets
    1. Cell Tower – $22,950.50
    2. Land Trust – $31,987.00
    3. TSSP – $30,346.00

All of the product for the maker space has been ordered. 2 3-D printers have been ordered. Maker space will be tied into the Science curriculum. Computer lab will be the maker space.

  • TSSP and Land Trust goals

Teachers have been working on goals TSSP goals, Angela has entered the goals into the forms required. Teachers decided to stay with 80% goals for math, science and language arts, with 3rd-5th salta at 100%

School Climate goal 80% will rank low in internalizing and externalizing behaviors.

Also reviewed action plans (reviewed  TSSP  and Land Trust plans). Goals are finalized.

  • Cell Tower Budget for PBIS Rewards – $2,500.00- Would like to continue the  PBIS system next year to see if it can be continually improved. Book Vending machine will be a part of it


  • Input from the Community if present

SCC elections will be nomination process with Start 4/11-22, elections 4/25-⅚ new members would have May 18th meeting.

  • Adjourn:

Motion to Adjourn :Hillary 2nd: Kat


Upcoming School Community Council Meeting for 2021-2022

Next Meeting: April 20th

Meeting End time: 6:15 pm


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