1542 E. 11245 South, Sandy, UT 84092

Utah's #1 Elementary

March 20, 2024 – Minutes (Draft)

School Community Council Agenda

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

4:00 pm 

Sunrise Elementary School

In attendance: X Kat Holt                           X Hillary Hewitt X Aimee Hone  X Grace Cobabe

X Kevin Ellsworth X  Kayla Slack

X Angela Wilkinson   X Lyndsi Seltz  


Meeting Start Time:  4:00 pm

SCC Business:

  1. Call meeting to order 

  1. Welcome 

  1. Approval of February Minutes

Principals Report:

  1. Review Positive Behavior Plan

    1. Learning opportunities/activities that school provides to create positive relationships and teach about peer pressure and mental health. 

      1. morning meetings, thrive time, digital citizenship, small groups, restorative practice, positive behavior intervention supports, PBIS rewards, ongoing parent resources, calm/wellness room, botvin lessons (4th grade). 

    2. Program, clubs, service opportunities, pro-social activities. Resources we will implement:

      1. PBIS

      2. character education program

      3. red ribbon week

      4. white ribbon week

      5. NOVA

      6. SafeUT

    3. School Counselor is in charge of implementation: Mary Lynne Richardson

  1. February/March Safety Drill Report- 100% on our drills. This week we did an evacuation drill that went well. 

  1. March Budgets

    1. Cell Tower – $17,273.88

    2. Land Trust – $33, 156.09

    3. TSSP – $56,707.35 (Still to come out: subs, field trips, aides, science materials, school counselor)

  1. TSSP and Land Trust goals for 2024-2025 school year

    1. Language Arts

      1. 80% of K-2nd grade students will show typical or better growth as measured by Acadience Reading Measure 2025

      2. 80% of 3rd-5th grade students will achieve proficient on RISE Language Arts 2025

      3. 100% of 3rd-5th grade SALTA students will achieve proficient or highly proficient on RISE Language Arts 2025

    2. Mathematics

      1. 80% of K-2nd grade students will show typical or better growth as measured by Acadience Math Measure 2025

      2. 80% of 3rd-5th grade students will achieve proficient on RISE Math 2025

      3. 100% of 3rd-5th grade SALTA students will achieve proficient or highly proficient on RISE Math 2025

      4. Landtrust: $18,500 for math interventions

      5. TSSP: $4,400 adaptive math computer programs (iReady/ST Math)

    3. School climate

      1. 80% of students on Students Risk Screening Scale will rank in the low internalizing behaviors (emotionally flat, shy, sad, anxious, and lonely) category by 2025. Teachers will focus on teaching all students skills to cope with internalizing behaviors within the school setting. 

      2. 80% of students on Students Risk Screening Scale will rank in low externalizing behaviors (lying, cheating, and behavior problems) category by 2025. Teachers will focus on teaching all students skills to cope with externalizing behaviors within the school setting. 

      3. Feedback from community members: Raising the school climate goals to 85%. All in favor. 

      4. TSSP: $19,000 for MTSS aides and $50,000 for our school counselor. 

    4. Landtrust projected for 24/25 school year $90,073

    5. TSSP projected for 24/25 school year 115,000

    6. Additional funds will be spent supporting goals (both academic and behavioral). 

  1. Cell Tower Budget for PBIS Rewards – $3,500.00

    1. This is the cost of the whole program which benefits students school wide. 

  1. Input from the Community if present

    1. Schedule/planning change for next year approved by district. This is for elementary teachers to have more planning time. Our goals should increase because of teachers having increased time to plan, dive into data, etc. 

    2. Start times next year will remain the same. The extra time will be added to the end of the day. This is a tentative plan and could change. 

  1. Spring Vote

    1. Nomination dates – due on April 19th 

    2. Voting the week of the 22nd 

  1. Adjourn

Upcoming School Community Council Meeting for 2023-2024

Next Meeting: April 17th

Meeting End time: 4:00 pm

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