1542 E. 11245 South, Sandy, UT 84092

Utah's #1 Elementary

May 12, 2021 – Minutes


Margaret Swanicke – Principal
Brittaney Larsen – Teacher
Kim Metcalf – Teacher

Sarah Carlson
Meghan Gardner
Kat Holt
Marc Hone
Jessica Petersen

Agenda Items

  • Approve March Minutes – Minutes were approved.
  • March, April, and May Safety Drill Reports – Drills went well.
  • Spring CBM data – SCC went over data report.  Reading Inventory showed great growth in our 4th and 5th grades.  Overall–the school did very well.
  • RISE –  RISE scores are impressive.  3rd grade neighborhood and 5th grade neighborhood scored higher than they ever had in both ELA and math.  3rd – 5th neighborhood math scores increased from 78.1% proficient in 2019 to 78.5% proficient.  We did see a drop in 4th grade neighborhood ELA and math compared to previous years.  There was a discussion about how to use Land Trust and TSSP funds to better support the 5th grade next year to help that cohort of Eagles.  SALTA did very well in all grade levels and subject areas–especially considering the large class sizes in Lapadat and Stark.  We appreciate our teachers.
  • Complete school safety plan – Safety plan was completed via dashboard.
  • Book vending machine – SCC approved the purchase of the book vending machine to be used under the direction of our new principal, Dr. Wilkinson.  It was discussed that cell tower, TSSP, and PTA book fair could help fill the book vending machine.
  • May Budgets
    • Cell Tower $19,000
    • Land Trust $4,714
    • TSSP $4,844
  • Input from the Community if present
  • Adjourn

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