1542 E. 11245 South, Sandy, UT 84092

Utah's #1 Elementary

May 17, 2023 – Minutes

School Community Council Agenda

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

4:00 pm

Sunrise Elementary School

In attendance:

☐ Kat Holt                                              X Hillary Hewitt                                                                       X Aimee Hone                                       ☐ Barbara Winder

X Kevin Ellsworth                                 ☐ Sara McBee

X Angela Wilkinson                               X Lyndsi Seltz

Meeting Start Time:  4:16pm

SCC Business:

  1. Call meeting to order
    1. Motion to approve: Hillary
    2. 2nd: Lyndsi
    3. Approved
  1. Welcome
  2. Approval of April Minutes
    1. Motion to approve: Hillary
    2. 2nd: Lyndsi
    3. Approved

Principals Report:

1. New members updates and leadership nominations –

  • New teacher/community members
    • Kayla Slack
    • Grace Cobabe
  • Nomination for Chair and Vice Chair
    • Motion to have Lyndsi as chair: Hillary
    • 2nd: Amiee
    • Approved
    • Motion to vote Kevin as
    • 2nd Lyndsi
    • Approved

2. Establish rules of order and procedures

    1. Review over the summer
    2. Motion to approve:
    3. 2nd:

3. Review requirements for open and public meetings

4. By-Laws Review

5. Determine future meeting dates/times for next year

    1. Wednesdays are typically the best
    2. Third Wednesday
    3. Sept 20, Oct 18, Nov 15th, Jan 17th, Feb 21, Mar 20th, Apr 17th, May 15th

6. April/May Safety Drill Report

    1. 100% on drills for the year

7. May Budgets

    1. Cell Tower –
      • End-of-year party
      • Field trips
    2. Land Trust –
      • $9k
      • Below 10%
      • Instructional assistants
    3. TSSP –
      • $10k
      • Field Trips
      • MTS assistants
      • Likely to end at $1k

8. Cell Tower Budget for new science program – $3,200

  1. Generation Genius program – requested in the past, but was told no
  2. Gismos – New program proposal
    1. This is in the middle schools, but have not approved in elementary before
    2. Would be approved for our school only
    3. 3, 4, 5th grades
    4. 3-year contract
    5. Have plan for how to use it with the district program
    6. Simulation-based program
    7. Current program is a national program – so doesn’t perfectly align with our curriculum
    8. Motion to approve: Hillary
    9. 2nd: Amiee
    10. Approved
  1. Input from the Community if present
    1. No other public present
  1. Adjourn
    1. Motion to approve: Hillary
    2. 2nd: Kevin
    3. Approved

Upcoming School Community Council Meeting for 2023-2024

Next Meeting: Sept 20th, 2023

Meeting End time: 4:44pm

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Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org