1542 E. 11245 South, Sandy, UT 84092

Utah's #1 Elementary

Minutes (Draft)

School Community Council Agenda

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

4:00 pm 

Sunrise Elementary School

In attendance: 

✓Marc Hone

✓Jessica Vanderhooft

✓Kevin Ellsworth

✓ Angela Wilkinson

✓Leslie Morris (Digital Citizenship Coordinator)

✓ Kati Burgess

✓ Grace Cobabe

✓ Kayla Slack

✓ Lyndsi Seltz

Meeting Start Time:  4:03 pm

SCC Business:

  1. Call meeting to order 
  2. Welcome 
  3. Approval of September Minutes

Principals Report:

  1. (2024-2025) Digital Citizenship
    1. Is there any access to social media? NO social media access in elementary schools. 
    2. How do we communicate digital citizenship better to parents? 
    3. Students are learning about digital citizenship through thrive time lessons and in STEAM booster class. 
    4. Technology Connect portal- login with your kids’ skyward information. This will let you manage your child’s restriction level on their school Chromebooks/accounts. 
    5. Please see the district website for more information: https://www.canyonsdistrict.org/scc-digital-citizenship/ 
    6. We need more education for parents about digital citizenship and how to better monitor their students’ digital usage at school. 
  2. (2024 – 2025) Safety Plan
    1. Parking Lot Issues: Culture changing idea to have parents volunteer to come during pick up mostly. 
    2. Playground safety change: cones have been placed outside to limit areas that students can access during recess. Specifically the areas in the far fields near the fences. 
    3. Doors not latching and remaining locked in some parts of the building. Interior doors should be closed to help air flow problems with door latching. 
  3. School Safe Walking Route Review
    1. A lot of questions came in after the newsletter came out about the walkways. Conversations about the importance of picking up students at the school versus neighboring streets/pickup spots. 
  4. Review Personal Electronic Devices
    1. Policy with personal electronic devices such as a phone or watch: students must have it in their backpacks. 
    2. If they have it out and it is a problem:
      1. First time= teacher takes and gives back at the end of the day
      2. Second time= teacher takes and parent has to pick up at end of day
      3. Third time=  teacher takes and brings to principal. Principal calls home and the parent has to pick up the item. 
  5. Cell Tower Fund approval
    1. Stipend for BLT member Katie Rasmussen – $500.00
  6. October Safety Drill Report
    1. 100% up to date
    2. Secure drill this month went very well. 
    3. The new emergency system, CrisisGo app, is a way for teachers to report their students accounted for on their phone or computer. 
    4. We are trying to vary the times when we do drills so that students are practicing during different times of the day. 
  7. October Budgets
    1. Cell Tower – $21,850.63
    2. Land Trust – Not fully funded yet
    3. TSSP – Not fully funded yet
  8. Indoor vs. Outdoor weather
    • Currently we call indoor day at feels like 24 degrees or lower
    • Weather bug app and feels like
    • Air Quality days are also called by principal/front office
  9. Input from the Community if present
  10. Adjourn

Upcoming School Community Council Meeting for 2024-2025

Next Meeting: November 20, 2024

Meeting End time: 5:00 pm

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org