1542 E. 11245 South, Sandy, UT 84092

Utah's #1 Elementary

November 15, 2023 – Minutes

School Community Council Agenda

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

4:00 pm


Sunrise Elementary School


In attendance:

  • Kat Holt
  • Hillary Hewitt
  • Aimee Hone
  • Grace Cobabe
  • Kevin Ellsworth
  • Kayla Slack
  • Angela Wilkinson
  • Lyndsi Seltz


Meeting Start Time:  4:00


SCC Business:

  1. Call meeting to order


  1. Welcome


  1. Approval of October Minutes


Principals Report:

  1. November Safety Drill Report: 100% on all drills (Bomb Threat drill)


  1. Review current year’s Landtrust plan, data, expenditures, and review if on course or if amendments are necessary
    1. iReady/ ST Math purchased
    2. Instructional assistant moved to Kinder
    3. All three Kinder aids increased hours to 28
    4. 4 Reading Instructional Assistants hired
    5. Reading Plus purchased
    6. Money going toward teacher
    7. 2 MTSS assistants hired
    8. Hours for counselor


  1. Last year’s data/School Accountability Report
    1. Sunrise has been announced as being #1 in the state! Yay!
    2. Math: 81.4% proficiency on the RISE
    3. ELA: 83.2% proficiency on the RISE
    4. Science: 79.4% proficiency on the RISE
    5. MGP: Growth within our school. Teachers are looking at student proficiency in different areas and also their growth in each area.
      • ELA: 50%
      • Math 48%
      • Science 57%
    1. ELL/ML students have shown adequate growth. We are putting more of a focus on these students’ growth. (34 students or 5% of all our students are considered ML)


  1. November Budgets
    1. Cell Tower – $23,015.65
    2. Land Trust – $74,310.64
    3. TSSP – $106,406.13 (field trips are coming out of this budget)
      • 2 field trips per year. 1 of them free admission, 1 of the $5 or under for admission.


  1. TSSP & Landtrust Goals for 2024-2025
    1. Teachers are looking at keeping goals similar to last year.
    2. Some grades are looking at splitting SALTA and neighborhood data.
    3. Keeping the full-time school psychologist would be very beneficial.
    4. Keeping our 2 MTSS assistants.
    5. Keeping the 3 Kinder Instructional Assistants 1 to 1.
    6. Keeping all Tier 2 Instructional Assistants.
    7. If needed, funding a whole or half of an FTE.


  1. Input from the Community if present.
    1. What percentage of students are testing into SALTA from other districts?
      • Our school last year had a large influx of students from outside the district.
    1. Permits and open enrollment have increased over time. When permitting, they are starting to allow permits into multiple schools to give parents multiple choices.
    2. Parking lot: East side observations: Due to the line being closer to the crosswalk, cars stop before the crosswalk and there is some confusion. West side moves more smoothly because the crosswalk is at the end of the line. We will talk about safety patrol, teachers, and try to educate Watchdogs on crosswalk protocol.


  1. Adjourn


Upcoming School Community Council Meeting for 2023-2024

Next Meeting: January 17th, 2024

Meeting End Time: 4:51pm


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