1542 E. 11245 South, Sandy, UT 84092

Utah's #1 Elementary

October 20, 2021 – Minutes

School Community Council Agenda

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

5:00 pm


Sunrise Elementary School


In attendance:               x Kat Holt                                                x Hillary Hewitt                                                                      x Meghan Gardner                                   x Kimberly Metcalf

☐ Sara Carlson  Not present                     x Sara McBee

x Angela Wilkinson                                 x   Lyndsi Seltz


Meeting Start Time:  __5:00 pm_____ ___


SCC Business:

  1. Call meeting to order
  2. Welcome
  3. Approval of September Minutes

Kat Motion to approve minutes
Lyndsi seconds


Principals Report:


4. Digital Citizenship and School Safety Report/Discussion:

Angela started discussion and asked for if the reports were helpful

Concerns not on the School Safety  report- Cars pulling into front parking lot around the car pick up lines- because it’s a public road we can’t do a lot about it.  Angela invited a district official to come help solve some of the concerns which is how the west parking lot became the teacher parking lot. We can invite the school safety officer out to help direct traffic. Angela will put more info in the school news letter/instagram/website about school parking lots.

What is our number 1 safety concern at Sunrise :
SCC has determined our #1  concern is the parking lot/crosswalks/etc

Our plan is to increase communication to parents, invite SRO to come out  address concerns periodically


Digital Citizenship-
Meghan asked if there is guidance given to teachers in using technology

The guidance is that the technology use needs to be purposeful, there are appropriate times for children to be on but it needs to have a purpose. Computers, etc are not accessible during indoor reading time etc. When they are using technology they make sure to transition to physical learning pieces. Teachers make kids aware that devices are not for constant entertainment.

5. Follow up on Book Vending Machine from last time:

Book Vending Machine was $5344. We still don’t have it, Andee was given a delivery date of this week. We are unclear on if the books do or do not come with it. We have been charged for it, it came out of cell tower funds which is now
$77,151 for Land Trust
$14549 for TSSP
We should be much higher Angela will have final numbers Nov 1

We currently have 640 students.


6. The Living Leader – Approval to move Cell Tower Funds to help with this ($1,000)

  • Attend three meetings a year and share information with their school or department as to activities and initiatives being sponsored by the Wellness Committee.
  • Create or coordinate wellness-related activities at their school or department (fun runs, team building activities, group yoga, bocce tournaments, pickle ball, student and patron related wellness activities, health and wellness guest speakers, contests and more).
  • Track and report all wellness-related activities conducted or promoted at the leader’s location.
  • Document and post on social media (Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram) various wellness activities sponsored by or run by their location using the #CanyonsLiving hashtag.
  • Promote Canyons Living initiatives.
  • Provide suggestions for improvement related to the District Wellness activities.

Living leader this year is looking to do incentives for teachers,she would like to do some yoga,Danae is a yoga instructor and is working on that. Living leader is asking for funds to give incentives to teachers this year. K-3 teachers are going through letter training. Is the SCC willing to give money for incentives? Yes


7. October Safety Drill Report – Lockdown Drill
Lockdown drill for October, a lot of learning came along with this drill. District rep was here to observe and gave good info, difference of shelter in place/active shooter drills, what do you do when kids are outside- they would go out around back of school and to the church so they aren’t passing by school windows. Everyone in the building needs to participate in drills. Copy room doesn’t lock and aids in there can’t hear because there are no intercoms. They are going to try the lockdown drill again in December. Meghan suggested that info go to the PTA on what volunteers should do during lockdown drills as they are constantly in the building.


8. October Budgets

Angela will add this info

We got an Iready grant and purchased additional licenses for those who needed them. Money is also set aside for BTSA, she chose to purchase ukeles this year, info will be sent to parents who would like to purchase them

Instructional assistants- Ed tech coach and achievement coach have been blended into one position. We have only the kindergarten aid left to hire, we have been able to move an instructional assistant to a leader/training role, this allows Danae to be in classrooms more time coaching.  Extra math is something that the school provided but we have to go through the district now, as of now we have not been approved. Last year Bobby had an assistant to help with cleaning, there is no room within the budgets this year to get him help. Angela can advocate to the district for it. Angela will talk to the district.

Cell Tower:

Land Trust



9. Second Step Curriculum- Sunrise will bring back character traits training until the district decides what to do with SEL programs. Angela will get this info out to teachers.. Every month teachers will choose a student who exhibited that trait. Stop, Walk and Talk- Stop (if someone is hurting or bullying you) walk away and talk.



10. Input from the Community if present


11. Adjourn

Hillary motions to adjourn, Sara Mcbee second


Upcoming School Community Council Meeting for 2021-2022

Next Meeting: November 10th 5pm

Meeting End time: 6:11 pm

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org