1542 E. 11245 South, Sandy, UT 84092

Utah's #1 Elementary

October 25, 2023 – Minutes

School Community Council Agenda

Wednesday, October 25, 2022

4:00 pm


Sunrise Elementary School


In attendance:               X Kat Holt                                              X Hillary Hewitt                                                                       X Aimee Hone                                       X Kayla Slack

X Kevin Ellsworth                                 X Grace Cobabe

X Angela Wilkinson                               X Lyndsi Seltz


Meeting Start Time:  4:00 pm


SCC Business:

  1. Call meeting to order


  1. Welcome


  1. Approval of September Minutes: Approved


Principals Report:


  1. Digital Citizenship and School Safety Report/Discussion
    1. No changes have been made from last year as far as the district plan for digital citizenship.
    2. Digital Citizenship lessons covered within Thrive Time lessons.
    3. Students are all getting instruction about digital citizenship at least once a month from the lessons. These are in addition to digital citizenship week.
    4. Digital citizenship included in messages to parents through newsletters and parent emails.
    5. Parking lot safety brought forward. Idea of bringing parents in was brought up and SAC loved the idea. Parent volunteer for parking lot safety week. Safety patrol opened doors to cars instead of students doing it. Increasing the number of safety patrol students would need to be discussed with 5th grade.
    6. SCC has determined the #1 safety concern.


  1. Cell Tower Fund approval: $8500- Approved


    1. Teacher morale: $2000
    2. Field trips: $3000. Money received from PTA for field trips. The money has been used up for the most part from PTA. This money will cover us until the end of the year.
    3. Christmas: $3000; teachers and staff gifts (all staff=68)
    4. Attendance initiatives: $500. Mr. Potato heads for every classroom, every day with 100% attendance= a piece of him gets put on. Once he is fully built the class earns rewards. Data is showing attendance is dropping due to vacations, impact on academics is happening because of this.


  1. Fall Acadience Data: Beginning of Year
    1. Data was discussed.


  1. School Safety Walking Routes
    1. Walking routes have been the same and will be communicated out to the community.
    2. Londerry Drive needs a crossing guard and crosswalk.
    3. PTA brought up snow removal importance for neighborhood roads leading to the school.
    4. SAFE routes plan reviewed and documented.
    5. SAFE route plan approved


  1. October Safety Drill Report
    1. 100% on all drills.


  1. October Budgets
    1. Cell Tower: $23,015.65
    2. Land Trust: $80,719.91
  1. Everything in place for Land Trust
  2. Hired a new 4th grade teacher
    1. TSSP: $116,771.77
  1. Possible field trips being put under this
  2. Increasing kindergarten aid hours
  • Possible instructional assistant for recess time


  1. Indoor vs. Outdoor weather
  • Currently, we call indoor days at feels like 24 degrees or lower
  • Weatherbug app and feels like
  • Students come in when it is raining or when it is a Red air quality day.
  • Grade level recesses= teacher decision


  1. Input from the Community if present


  1. Adjourn



Upcoming School Community Council Meeting for 2023-2024

Next Meeting: November 15

Meeting End time: 4:00pm

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