1542 E. 11245 South, Sandy, UT 84092

Utah's #1 Elementary


School Community Council Agenda

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

4:00 pm 


Sunrise Elementary School


In attendance: 

Marc Hone                          

X Kati Burgess 

X Jessica Vanderhooft  

X Grace Cobabe

X Kevin Ellsworth 

X Kayla Slack

X Angela Wilkinson    

X Lyndsi Seltz  


Meeting Start Time:  4:17pm


SCC Business:

  1. Call meeting to order 


  1. Approval of May Minutes


  1. (2024-2025) Safe Walking Route; Safety Plan


  1. Organize school council

  • Establish note taker for meetings: Kayla Slack

  • Establish rules of order and procedures: No meetings in December, voting in the spring (electronically), agenda is published a week in advance, etc. 

  • Set meeting schedule for the year and post on website

    • October 9th

    • November 20th 

    • December: No Meeting

    • January 22nd 

    • February 19th

    • March 19th 

    • April 16th 

    • May 21st

  • Review requirements for open and public meetings

  • By-Laws Review

  • Determine future meeting dates/times for year



Principals Report:

  1. Fall CBM data 

    1. Kindergarten Proficiency Composite: ELA= 84% Math= 79%

    2. 1st Grade Proficiency Composite: ELA= 84% Math= 83%

    3. 2nd Grade Proficiency Composite: ELA= 87% Math= 87%

    4. 3rd Grade Proficiency Composite: ELA= 85% Math= 74%

    5. 4th Grade Proficiency Composite: ELA= 82% Math= 80%

    6. 5th Grade Proficiency Composite: ELA= 79% Math= 88%


  1. August/September Safety drill report

  • August Drill – Fire 100%

  • September Drill – Lockdown Drill 100%


  1. Budgets

Cell tower – $23,448.56

Land Trust – $101,000 when fully funded

TSSP – Approx. $145,000


  1. Cell Tower Approvals – 

    1. Art Money allocation – $2,000

    2. Living Leader – $1,610

    3. Science – $600

    4. Staff Morale – $2,000

    5. PBIS Store – $2,000

    6. Holiday Party/Staff Gifts – $2,000

    7. Field Trips – $5,000 

      1. Total $15, 210


  1. TSSP & Land Trust Amendment

    1. Adding a 3rd Kinder instructional aide so there is 1:1. 

    2. Increase hours of one of the reading instructional assistants

    3. Substitutes from $2,000 → $8,000

    4. Software (ELA) increase in price $6,600 → $8,132

    5. Software (Math) increase in price $4400 → $6006

    6. Hire a 3rd MTSS assistant $19,000 → $35,000

    7. TSSP Balance: $134,138

    8. Land Trust Balance: $85,032.20


  1. Plan upcoming meeting dates and talk about district trainings


  1. Input from the community if present/other topics open for discussion


  1. Adjourn




Upcoming School Community Council Meeting for 2024-2025

Next Meeting: October 9th

Meeting End time: 5:40pm




To Do:


Attend Canyons School District SCC training @ the Canyons Center at Canyons District Office; 9361 S. 300 East; Sandy, UT 84070


Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org